perm filename RLL.DRI[AM,DBL] blob sn#568258 filedate 1981-02-26 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
Hello, Doug.
FILE CREATED 25-Feb-81 19:01:12

collecting string characters
100, 612 free cells

				Starting EURISKO

Initialize entire state? 

Eliminate the recently synthesized units? (H10010)Y
(Worth (u) NIL)
(Examples (u) NIL)
(IsA (u) NIL)
(DataType (u) NIL)
(SuperSlots (u) NIL)
(Inverse (u) NIL)
(DoubleCheck (U S V) NIL)
(DoubleCheck redefined)
(SubSlots (u) NIL)
(DontCopy (u) NIL)
(Format (u) NIL)
(English (u) NIL)
(IfPotentiallyRelevant (u) NIL)
(Applics (u) NIL)
(Abbrev (u) NIL)
(IfFinishedWorkingOnTask (u) NIL)
πinterrupted before STORERET

(STORERET broken)

  [LAMBDA (A)  **COMMENT**  
    (PROG (N M)
          (SETQ N 1)
          (SETQ M (PACK* A (QUOTE -)
            ((Unitp M)
              (SETQ N (ADD1 N))
              (GO NLOOP))
            (T (RETURN M])
(ThenPrintToUser (u) NIL)
(ThenAddToAgenda (u) NIL)
(IfTrulyRelevant (u) NIL)
(ThenConjecture (u) NIL)
(IfAboutToWorkOnTask (u) NIL)
(ThenCompute (u) NIL)
(IfWorkingOnTask (u) NIL)
(ThenDefineNewConcepts (u) NIL)
(ToDelete1 (u) NIL)
(IfParts (u) NIL)
(Creditors (u) NIL)
(IfTaskParts (u) NIL)
(ThenParts (u) NIL)
(Specializations (u) NIL)
(Specializations redefined)
(ThenModifySlots (u) NIL)
(Generalizations (u) NIL)

collecting lists
5248, 10368 free cells
(Generalizations redefined)

Ready to start? y

Sorting the units by worth.

Task 1: Focusing on win1
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H1 didn't hold for win1
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H5 didn't hold for win1
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H6 didn't hold for win1
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H3 didn't hold for win1
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H4 didn't hold for win1

 The results of this task so far are: NIL

Task 2: Focusing on Heuristic
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H1 didn't hold for Heuristic
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H5 didn't hold for Heuristic
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H6 didn't hold for Heuristic
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H3 didn't hold for Heuristic
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H4 didn't hold for Heuristic

 The results of this task so far are: NIL

Task 3: Focusing on Applics
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H1 didn't hold for Applics
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H5 didn't hold for Applics
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H6 didn't hold for Applics
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H3 didn't hold for Applics
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H4 didn't hold for Applics

 The results of this task so far are: NIL

Task 4: Focusing on IfFinishedWorkingOnTask
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H1 didn't hold for IfFinishedWorkingOnTask
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H5 didn't hold for IfFinishedWorkingOnTask
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H6 didn't hold for IfFinishedWorkingOnTask
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H3 didn't hold for IfFinishedWorkingOnTask
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H4 didn't hold for IfFinishedWorkingOnTask

 The results of this task so far are: NIL

Task 5: Focusing on IsA
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H1 didn't hold for IsA
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H5 didn't hold for IsA
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H6 didn't hold for IsA
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H3 didn't hold for IsA
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H4 didn't hold for IsA

 The results of this task so far are: NIL

Task 6: Focusing on IfTrulyRelevant
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H1 didn't hold for IfTrulyRelevant
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H5 didn't hold for IfTrulyRelevant
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H6 didn't hold for IfTrulyRelevant
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H3 didn't hold for IfTrulyRelevant
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H4 didn't hold for IfTrulyRelevant

 The results of this task so far are: NIL

Task 7: Focusing on SubSlots
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H1 didn't hold for SubSlots
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H5 didn't hold for SubSlots
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H6 didn't hold for SubSlots
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H3 didn't hold for SubSlots
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H4 didn't hold for SubSlots

 The results of this task so far are: NIL

Task 8: Focusing on IfParts
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H1 didn't hold for IfParts
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H5 didn't hold for IfParts
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H6 didn't hold for IfParts
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H3 didn't hold for IfParts
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H4 didn't hold for IfParts

 The results of this task so far are: NIL

Task 9: Focusing on IfPotentiallyRelevant
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H1 didn't hold for IfPotentiallyRelevant
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H5 didn't hold for IfPotentiallyRelevant
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H6 didn't hold for IfPotentiallyRelevant
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H3 didn't hold for IfPotentiallyRelevant
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H4 didn't hold for IfPotentiallyRelevant

 The results of this task so far are: NIL

Task 10: Focusing on Examples
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H1 didn't hold for Examples
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H5 didn't hold for Examples
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H6 didn't hold for Examples
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H3 didn't hold for Examples
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H4 didn't hold for Examples

 The results of this task so far are: NIL

Task 11: Focusing on DataType
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H1 didn't hold for DataType
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H5 didn't hold for DataType
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H6 didn't hold for DataType
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H3 didn't hold for DataType
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H4 didn't hold for DataType

 The results of this task so far are: NIL

Task 12: Focusing on English
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H1 didn't hold for English
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H5 didn't hold for English
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H6 didn't hold for English
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H3 didn't hold for English
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H4 didn't hold for English

 The results of this task so far are: NIL

Task 13: Focusing on Worth
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H1 didn't hold for Worth
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H5 didn't hold for Worth
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H6 didn't hold for Worth
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H3 didn't hold for Worth
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H4 didn't hold for Worth

 The results of this task so far are: NIL

Task 14: Focusing on Inverse
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H1 didn't hold for Inverse
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H5 didn't hold for Inverse
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H6 didn't hold for Inverse
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H3 didn't hold for Inverse
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H4 didn't hold for Inverse

 The results of this task so far are: NIL

Task 15: Focusing on H1
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H1 holds for H1
		the IfTrulyRelevant slot of H1 holds for H1
	All the IfParts of H1(Specialize a sometimes-useful action)
 are satisfied, so we are applying the ThenParts. 
		the ThenConjecture slot of H1 has been applied to H1
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H1 has been applied to H1

Since some specializations of H1 (i.e.,  Specialize a sometimes-useful action)
 are quite valuable, but over four-fifths are trash, EURISKO has recognized the value of finding new concepts similar to -- but more specialized than -- 
, and (to that end) has added a new task to the agenda to find such specializations. 
		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H1 has been applied to H1

	All the ThenParts of H1(Specialize a sometimes-useful action)
 have been successfully executed. 
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H5 didn't hold for H1
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H6 didn't hold for H1
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H3 didn't hold for H1
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H4 didn't hold for H1

 The results of this task so far are: NIL

Task 16:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (700) that finding 
Specializations of H1 will be worthwhile, since: (Conjec-1))
	The IfAboutToWorkOnTask slot of heuristic H5(Specialize u by specializing some
 random slots) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenCompute slot of H5 has been applied to (700 H1 Specializations (
Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1)))
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5 has been applied to (700 H1 Specializations (
Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1)))

H1 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (IsA 
IfPotentiallyRelevant IfTrulyRelevant Applics ThenPrintToUser ThenConjecture 

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5 has been applied to (700 H1 Specializations (
Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

	The IfAboutToWorkOnTask slot of heuristic H3(Specialize u by specializing one 
random slot) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenCompute slot of H3 has been applied to (700 H1 Specializations (
Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1)))
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H3 has been applied to (700 H1 Specializations (
Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1)))

A new unit will be created by specializing the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H3 has been applied to (700 H1 Specializations (
Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

 The results of this task were: ((NewTasks (7 specific slots of H1 to find 
Specializations of) (1 specific slot of H1 to find Specializations of)))

Task 17:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (650) that finding 
Specializations of H1 will be worthwhile, since: (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
	The IfWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H6(Specialize a given slot of a given 
unit) applies to the current task. 


in SpecializeNumber...
(TIMES x 200)
*E x
*0 P
(FIX (TIMES x 200))
*0 P
(RAND 0 (FIX &))
*0 P
(QUOTIENT (RAND 0 &) 200.0)
*0 P
(LIST x RArrow (QUOTIENT & 200.0))
*0 P
(SETQ UDiff (LIST x RArrow &))
*0 P
(CADDR (SETQ UDiff &))
*0 P
(T (CADDR &))
*0 P
(COND (& &) (& &) (T &))
  [(LISTP x)
                    (SpecializeNumber Z))
                  (T Z]
  [(FIXP x)
    (CADDR (SETQ UDiff (LIST x RArrow (RAND 1 x]
                                                       (FIX (TIMES x 200)))
*-1 P
(T (CADDR &))
*(1 (NUMBERP x))
0 P
(COND (& &) (& &) (& &))
*(N (T NIL]
Note: BRKEXP not changed.
(LAMBDA (task) (* assumes the existence of functions SpecializeLispPred 
SpecializeLispFn SpecializeList --) (SETQ UDiff NIL) (SETQ NewValue &) (* If the
 OldValue and NewValue are equal, then --) (COND & & &))
(LAMBDA (z) (COND & & &))
(LAMBDA (r) (* try to apply r to current task) (COND & & &))
(LAMBDA (p) (MAPC & &))

(LAMBDA (bod tmp tmp2)   **COMMENT**   (COND & &))
*-1 P
(COND (& & &) (& & &))
  ([SETQ tmp2 (RandomChoose (Specializations
                              (SETQ tmp
                                  (SUBSET (SUBSET (SelfIntersect (Flatten
                                                  (QUOTE Unitp))
                                          (QUOTE Specializations]
    (SETQ UDiff (LIST tmp RArrow tmp2))
    (RandomSubst tmp2 tmp bod))
  ([SETQ tmp2 (SpecializeNumber (SETQ tmp (RandomChoose
                                    (SUBSET (SelfIntersect (Flatten bod))
                                            (QUOTE NUMBERP]
    (SETQ UDiff (LIST tmp RArrow tmp2))
    (RandomSubst tmp2 tmp bod)))
(COND (& & &) (& & &))
*(N (T NIL]


:RETFROM(SpecializeNumber NIL)

Inside the ThenPrintToUser slot, 13 -> 13
		the ThenCompute slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H1 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenPrintToUser) (CreditTo H5 H1)))
		the ThenDefineNewConcepts slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H1 
Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenPrintToUser) (CreditTo H5 H1)))

Specialized the ThenPrintToUser slot of H1, replacing its old value (which was (
LAMBDA (f) (CPRIN1 13 
 conjec : 
Since some specializations of  f   (CONS i.e.,  (GETPROP f (QUOTE Abbrev))) 
 are quite valuable, but over four-fifths are trash, EURISKO has recognized the value of finding new concepts similar to -- but more specialized than -- 
, and (to that end) has added a new task to the agenda to find such specializations. 
) T)) by (LAMBDA (f) (CPRIN1 13 
 conjec : 
Since some specializations of  f   (CONS i.e.,  (GETPROP f (QUOTE Abbrev))) 
 are quite valuable, but over four-fifths are trash, EURISKO has recognized the value of finding new concepts similar to -- but more specialized than -- 
, and (to that end) has added a new task to the agenda to find such specializations. 
) NIL).

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H1 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenPrintToUser) (CreditTo H5 H1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

	The IfFinishedWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H4(Plan to gather empirical data
 about new concepts) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H4 has been applied to (650 H1 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenPrintToUser) (CreditTo H5 H1)))

1 new units , namely (H1-1), 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H4 has been applied to (650 H1 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenPrintToUser) (CreditTo H5 H1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

 The results of this task were: ((NewUnits H1-1) (NewTasks (1 new units must 
have instances found)))

Task 18:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (650) that finding 
Specializations of H1 will be worthwhile, since: (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenConjecture slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
	The IfWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H6(Specialize a given slot of a given 
unit) applies to the current task. 

Hmmm... couldn't seem to find any meaningful specialization of the 
ThenConjecture slot of H1
		the ThenCompute slot of H6 was applied to (650 H1 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenConjecture slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenConjecture) (CreditTo H5 H1)))
 but for some reason it signalled a failure
, so the remaining ThenParts of the rule weren't applied.
 The results of this task were: NIL

Task 19:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (650) that finding 
Specializations of H1 will be worthwhile, since: (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
	The IfWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H6(Specialize a given slot of a given 
unit) applies to the current task. 

Inside the ThenAddToAgenda slot, 1 -> 1
		the ThenCompute slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H1 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenAddToAgenda) (CreditTo H5 H1)))
		the ThenDefineNewConcepts slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H1 
Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenAddToAgenda) (CreditTo H5 H1)))

Specialized the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H1, replacing its old value (which was (
LAMBDA (f) (SETQ Agenda (MERGE (LIST (LIST (AverageWorths f (QUOTE H1)) f (QUOTE
 Specializations) (LIST conjec) (LIST (LIST (QUOTE CreditTo) (QUOTE H1))))) 
Agenda T)) (AddPropL TaskResults (QUOTE NewTasks) (QUOTE (1 unit must be 
specialized))))) by (LAMBDA (f) (SETQ Agenda (MERGE (LIST (LIST (AverageWorths f
 (QUOTE H1)) f (QUOTE SubSlots) (LIST conjec) (LIST (LIST (QUOTE CreditTo) (
QUOTE H1))))) Agenda T)) (AddPropL TaskResults (QUOTE NewTasks) (QUOTE (1 unit 
must be specialized)))).

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H1 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenAddToAgenda) (CreditTo H5 H1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

	The IfFinishedWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H4(Plan to gather empirical data
 about new concepts) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H4 has been applied to (650 H1 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenAddToAgenda) (CreditTo H5 H1)))

1 new units , namely (H1-2), 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H4 has been applied to (650 H1 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenAddToAgenda) (CreditTo H5 H1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

 The results of this task were: ((NewUnits H1-2) (NewTasks (1 new units must 
have instances found)))

Task 20:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (700) that finding 
Applics of H1-2 will be worthwhile, since: (
After a unit is synthesized, it is useful to seek instances of it.))
 The results of this task were: NIL

Task 21:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (700) that finding 
Specializations of H1 will be worthwhile, since: (
A new unit will be created by specializing the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
	The IfWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H6(Specialize a given slot of a given 
unit) applies to the current task. 

Inside the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot, Applics -> IndirectApplics
		the ThenCompute slot of H6 has been applied to (700 H1 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange IfPotentiallyRelevant) (CreditTo H3 H1)))
		the ThenDefineNewConcepts slot of H6 has been applied to (700 H1 
Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange IfPotentiallyRelevant) (CreditTo H3 H1)))

Specialized the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H1, replacing its old value 
(which was (LAMBDA (f) (* check that f has some recorded applications -- which 
implies, of course, that f is an executable/performable entity) (GETPROP f (
QUOTE Applics)))) by (LAMBDA (f) NIL (GETPROP f (QUOTE Applics))).

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H6 has been applied to (700 H1 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange IfPotentiallyRelevant) (CreditTo H3 H1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

	The IfFinishedWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H4(Plan to gather empirical data
 about new concepts) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H4 has been applied to (700 H1 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange IfPotentiallyRelevant) (CreditTo H3 H1)))

1 new units , namely (H1-3), 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H4 has been applied to (700 H1 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange IfPotentiallyRelevant) (CreditTo H3 H1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

 The results of this task were: ((NewUnits H1-3) (NewTasks (1 new units must 
have instances found)))

Task 22:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (700) that finding 
Applics of H1-3 will be worthwhile, since: (
After a unit is synthesized, it is useful to seek instances of it.))
 The results of this task were: NIL

Task 23:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (700) that finding 
Applics of H1-1 will be worthwhile, since: (
After a unit is synthesized, it is useful to seek instances of it.))
 The results of this task were: NIL

Task 24:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (725) that finding 
Specializations of H1 will be worthwhile, since: (
A new unit will be created by specializing the IsA slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
	The IfWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H6(Specialize a given slot of a given 
unit) applies to the current task. 

Hmmm... couldn't seem to find any meaningful specialization of the IsA slot of 
		the ThenCompute slot of H6 was applied to (725 H1 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the IsA slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange IsA) (CreditTo H5 H1)))
 but for some reason it signalled a failure
, so the remaining ThenParts of the rule weren't applied.
 The results of this task were: NIL

Task 25:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (725) that finding 
Specializations of H1 will be worthwhile, since: (
A new unit will be created by specializing the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
	The IfWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H6(Specialize a given slot of a given 
unit) applies to the current task. 

Inside the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot, Applics -> DirectApplics
		the ThenCompute slot of H6 has been applied to (725 H1 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange IfPotentiallyRelevant) (CreditTo H5 H1)))
		the ThenDefineNewConcepts slot of H6 has been applied to (725 H1 
Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange IfPotentiallyRelevant) (CreditTo H5 H1)))

Specialized the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H1, replacing its old value 
(which was (LAMBDA (f) (* check that f has some recorded applications -- which 
implies, of course, that f is an executable/performable entity) (GETPROP f (
QUOTE Applics)))) by (LAMBDA (f) NIL (GETPROP f (QUOTE DirectApplics))).

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H6 has been applied to (725 H1 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange IfPotentiallyRelevant) (CreditTo H5 H1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

	The IfFinishedWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H4(Plan to gather empirical data
 about new concepts) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H4 has been applied to (725 H1 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange IfPotentiallyRelevant) (CreditTo H5 H1)))

1 new units , namely (H1-4), 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H4 has been applied to (725 H1 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange IfPotentiallyRelevant) (CreditTo H5 H1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

 The results of this task were: ((NewUnits H1-4) (NewTasks (1 new units must 
have instances found)))

Task 26:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (700) that finding 
Applics of H1-4 will be worthwhile, since: (
After a unit is synthesized, it is useful to seek instances of it.))
 The results of this task were: NIL

Task 27:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (725) that finding 
Specializations of H1 will be worthwhile, since: (
A new unit will be created by specializing the IfTrulyRelevant slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
	The IfWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H6(Specialize a given slot of a given 
unit) applies to the current task. 

Inside the IfTrulyRelevant slot, Applics -> IndirectApplics
		the ThenCompute slot of H6 has been applied to (725 H1 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the IfTrulyRelevant slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange IfTrulyRelevant) (CreditTo H5 H1)))
		the ThenDefineNewConcepts slot of H6 has been applied to (725 H1 
Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the IfTrulyRelevant slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange IfTrulyRelevant) (CreditTo H5 H1)))

Specialized the IfTrulyRelevant slot of H1, replacing its old value (which was (
LAMBDA (f) (* check that some Applics of f have high Worth, but most have low 
Worth) (* the extent to which those conditions are met will determine the amount
 of energy to expend working on applying this rule -- its overall relevancy) (
AND (SOME (GETPROP f (QUOTE Applics)) (QUOTE (LAMBDA (a) (* this will have the 
format (args results)) (SOME (CADR a) (QUOTE HasHighWorth))))) (GREATERP .2 (
SETQ Fraction (FractionOf (MapUnion (GETPROP f (QUOTE Applics)) (QUOTE CADR)) (
QUOTE HasHighWorth))))))) by (LAMBDA (f) (* check that some IndirectApplics of f
 have high Worth, but most have low Worth) NIL (AND (SOME (GETPROP f (QUOTE 
IndirectApplics)) (QUOTE (LAMBDA (a) (* this will have the format (args results)
) (SOME (CADR a) (QUOTE HasHighWorth))))) (GREATERP .2 (SETQ Fraction (
FractionOf (MapUnion (GETPROP f (QUOTE Applics)) (QUOTE CADR)) (QUOTE 

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H6 has been applied to (725 H1 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the IfTrulyRelevant slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange IfTrulyRelevant) (CreditTo H5 H1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

	The IfFinishedWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H4(Plan to gather empirical data
 about new concepts) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H4 has been applied to (725 H1 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the IfTrulyRelevant slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange IfTrulyRelevant) (CreditTo H5 H1)))

1 new units , namely (H1-5), 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H4 has been applied to (725 H1 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the IfTrulyRelevant slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange IfTrulyRelevant) (CreditTo H5 H1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

 The results of this task were: ((NewUnits H1-5) (NewTasks (1 new units must 
have instances found)))

Task 28:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (700) that finding 
Applics of H1-5 will be worthwhile, since: (
After a unit is synthesized, it is useful to seek instances of it.))
 The results of this task were: NIL

Task 29:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (725) that finding 
Specializations of H1 will be worthwhile, since: (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Applics slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
	The IfWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H6(Specialize a given slot of a given 
unit) applies to the current task. 

Inside the Applics slot, 
		the ThenCompute slot of H6 has been applied to (725 H1 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Applics slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Applics) (CreditTo H5 H1)))
		the ThenDefineNewConcepts slot of H6 has been applied to (725 H1 
Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Applics slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Applics) (CreditTo H5 H1)))

Specialized the Applics slot of H1, replacing its old value (which was ((sit1 (
win1 los1)) (sit2 (los2 los3 los4 los5 los6)) ((TaskNum: 17 (650 H1 
Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenPrintToUser) (CreditTo H5 H1))) 26-Feb-81 15:30:55)
 (H1-1) 3) ((TaskNum: 19 (650 H1 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenAddToAgenda) (CreditTo H5 H1))) 26-Feb-81 15:31:23)
 (H1-2) 3) ((TaskNum: 21 (700 H1 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange IfPotentiallyRelevant) (CreditTo H3 H1))) 
26-Feb-81 15:31:58) (H1-3) 3) ((TaskNum: 25 (725 H1 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange IfPotentiallyRelevant) (CreditTo H5 H1))) 
26-Feb-81 15:32:41) (H1-4) 3) ((TaskNum: 27 (725 H1 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the IfTrulyRelevant slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange IfTrulyRelevant) (CreditTo H5 H1))) 26-Feb-81 15:33:15)
 (H1-5) 3) ((TaskNum: 29 (725 H1 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Applics slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Applics) (CreditTo H5 H1))) 26-Feb-81 15:33:39) (H1-6) 
3))) by ((sit1 (win1 los1)) (sit2 (los2 los3 los4 los5 los6)) ((TaskNum: 25 (725
 H1 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange IfPotentiallyRelevant) (CreditTo H5 H1))) 
26-Feb-81 15:32:41) (H1-4) 3) ((TaskNum: 27 (725 H1 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the IfTrulyRelevant slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange IfTrulyRelevant) (CreditTo H5 H1))) 26-Feb-81 15:33:15)
 (H1-5) 3)).

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H6 has been applied to (725 H1 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Applics slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Applics) (CreditTo H5 H1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

	The IfFinishedWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H4(Plan to gather empirical data
 about new concepts) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H4 has been applied to (725 H1 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Applics slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Applics) (CreditTo H5 H1)))

1 new units , namely (H1-6), 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H4 has been applied to (725 H1 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Applics slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Applics) (CreditTo H5 H1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

 The results of this task were: ((NewUnits H1-6) (NewTasks (1 new units must 
have instances found)))

Task 30:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (700) that finding 
Applics of H1-6 will be worthwhile, since: (
After a unit is synthesized, it is useful to seek instances of it.))
 The results of this task were: NIL

Task 31: Focusing on H3
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H1 holds for H3
		the IfTrulyRelevant slot of H1 didn't hold for H3
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H5 didn't hold for H3
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H6 didn't hold for H3
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H3 didn't hold for H3
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H4 didn't hold for H3
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H1-1 holds for H3
		the IfTrulyRelevant slot of H1-1 didn't hold for H3
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H1-2 holds for H3
		the IfTrulyRelevant slot of H1-2 didn't hold for H3
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H1-3 holds for H3
		the IfTrulyRelevant slot of H1-3 didn't hold for H3
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H1-4 didn't hold for H3
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H1-5 holds for H3
		the IfTrulyRelevant slot of H1-5 didn't hold for H3
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H1-6 holds for H3
		the IfTrulyRelevant slot of H1-6 didn't hold for H3

 The results of this task so far are: NIL

Task 32: Focusing on H6
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H1 holds for H6
		the IfTrulyRelevant slot of H1 didn't hold for H6
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H5 didn't hold for H6
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H6 didn't hold for H6
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H3 didn't hold for H6
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H4 didn't hold for H6
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H1-1 holds for H6
		the IfTrulyRelevant slot of H1-1 didn't hold for H6
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H1-2 holds for H6
		the IfTrulyRelevant slot of H1-2 didn't hold for H6
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H1-3 holds for H6
		the IfTrulyRelevant slot of H1-3 didn't hold for H6
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H1-4 didn't hold for H6
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H1-5 holds for H6
		the IfTrulyRelevant slot of H1-5 didn't hold for H6
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H1-6 holds for H6
		the IfTrulyRelevant slot of H1-6 didn't hold for H6

 The results of this task so far are: NIL

Task 33: Focusing on H5
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H1 holds for H5
		the IfTrulyRelevant slot of H1 holds for H5
	All the IfParts of H1(Specialize a sometimes-useful action)
 are satisfied, so we are applying the ThenParts. 
		the ThenConjecture slot of H1 has been applied to H5
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H1 has been applied to H5

Since some specializations of H5 (i.e.,  Specialize u by specializing some 
random slots)
 are quite valuable, but over four-fifths are trash, EURISKO has recognized the value of finding new concepts similar to -- but more specialized than -- 
, and (to that end) has added a new task to the agenda to find such specializations. 
		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H1 has been applied to H5

	All the ThenParts of H1(Specialize a sometimes-useful action)
 have been successfully executed. 
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H5 didn't hold for H5
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H6 didn't hold for H5
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H3 didn't hold for H5
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H4 didn't hold for H5
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H1-1 holds for H5
		the IfTrulyRelevant slot of H1-1 holds for H5
	All the IfParts of H1-1(Specialize a sometimes-useful action)
 are satisfied, so we are applying the ThenParts. 

collecting string characters
227, 739 free cells
		the ThenConjecture slot of H1-1 has been applied to H5
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H1-1 has been applied to H5

Since some specializations of H5 (i.e.,  Specialize u by specializing some 
random slots)
 are quite valuable, but over four-fifths are trash, EURISKO has recognized the value of finding new concepts similar to -- but more specialized than -- 
, and (to that end) has added a new task to the agenda to find such specializations. 
		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H1-1 was applied to H5
 but for some reason it signalled a failure
, so the remaining ThenParts of the rule weren't applied.
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H1-2 holds for H5
		the IfTrulyRelevant slot of H1-2 holds for H5
	All the IfParts of H1-2(Specialize a sometimes-useful action)
 are satisfied, so we are applying the ThenParts. 
		the ThenConjecture slot of H1-2 has been applied to H5
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H1-2 has been applied to H5

Since some specializations of H5 (i.e.,  Specialize u by specializing some 
random slots)
 are quite valuable, but over four-fifths are trash, EURISKO has recognized the value of finding new concepts similar to -- but more specialized than -- 
, and (to that end) has added a new task to the agenda to find such specializations. 
		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H1-2 has been applied to H5

	All the ThenParts of H1-2(Specialize a sometimes-useful action)
 have been successfully executed. 
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H1-3 holds for H5
		the IfTrulyRelevant slot of H1-3 holds for H5
	All the IfParts of H1-3(Specialize a sometimes-useful action)
 are satisfied, so we are applying the ThenParts. 
		the ThenConjecture slot of H1-3 has been applied to H5
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H1-3 has been applied to H5

Since some specializations of H5 (i.e.,  Specialize u by specializing some 
random slots)
 are quite valuable, but over four-fifths are trash, EURISKO has recognized the value of finding new concepts similar to -- but more specialized than -- 
, and (to that end) has added a new task to the agenda to find such specializations. 
		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H1-3 has been applied to H5

	All the ThenParts of H1-3(Specialize a sometimes-useful action)
 have been successfully executed. 
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H1-4 didn't hold for H5
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H1-5 holds for H5
		the IfTrulyRelevant slot of H1-5 didn't hold for H5
		the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H1-6 holds for H5
		the IfTrulyRelevant slot of H1-6 holds for H5
	All the IfParts of H1-6(Specialize a sometimes-useful action)
 are satisfied, so we are applying the ThenParts. 
		the ThenConjecture slot of H1-6 has been applied to H5
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H1-6 has been applied to H5

Since some specializations of H5 (i.e.,  Specialize u by specializing some 
random slots)
 are quite valuable, but over four-fifths are trash, EURISKO has recognized the value of finding new concepts similar to -- but more specialized than -- 
, and (to that end) has added a new task to the agenda to find such specializations. 
		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H1-6 has been applied to H5

	All the ThenParts of H1-6(Specialize a sometimes-useful action)
 have been successfully executed. 

 The results of this task so far are: NIL

Task 34:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (700) that finding 
Specializations of H5 will be worthwhile, since: (Conjec-1))
	The IfAboutToWorkOnTask slot of heuristic H5(Specialize u by specializing some
 random slots) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenCompute slot of H5 has been applied to (700 H5 Specializations (
Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1-6)))
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5 has been applied to (700 H5 Specializations (
Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1-6)))

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (IsA Worth 

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5 has been applied to (700 H5 Specializations (
Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1-6)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

	The IfAboutToWorkOnTask slot of heuristic H3(Specialize u by specializing one 
random slot) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenCompute slot of H3 has been applied to (700 H5 Specializations (
Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1-6)))
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H3 has been applied to (700 H5 Specializations (
Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1-6)))

A new unit will be created by specializing the Worth slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H3 has been applied to (700 H5 Specializations (
Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1-6)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

 The results of this task were: ((NewTasks (3 specific slots of H5 to find 
Specializations of) (1 specific slot of H5 to find Specializations of)))

Task 35:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (700) that finding 
Specializations of H5 will be worthwhile, since: (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Worth slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
	The IfWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H6(Specialize a given slot of a given 
unit) applies to the current task. 

Inside the Worth slot, 700 -> 213
		the ThenCompute slot of H6 has been applied to (700 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Worth slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Worth) (CreditTo H3 H1-6)))
		the ThenDefineNewConcepts slot of H6 has been applied to (700 H5 
Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Worth slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Worth) (CreditTo H3 H1-6)))

Specialized the Worth slot of H5, replacing its old value (which was 700) by 213

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H6 has been applied to (700 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Worth slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Worth) (CreditTo H3 H1-6)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

	The IfFinishedWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H4(Plan to gather empirical data
 about new concepts) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H4 has been applied to (700 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Worth slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Worth) (CreditTo H3 H1-6)))

1 new units , namely (H5-1), 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H4 has been applied to (700 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Worth slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Worth) (CreditTo H3 H1-6)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

 The results of this task were: ((NewUnits H5-1) (NewTasks (1 new units must 
have instances found)))

Task 36:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Possible (456) that finding 
Applics of H5-1 will be worthwhile, since: (
After a unit is synthesized, it is useful to seek instances of it.))
 The results of this task were: NIL

Task 37:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (700) that finding 
Specializations of H5 will be worthwhile, since: (Conjec-1))
	The IfAboutToWorkOnTask slot of heuristic H5(Specialize u by specializing some
 random slots) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenCompute slot of H5 has been applied to (700 H5 Specializations (
Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1-3)))


(LAMBDA (S) (LIST & CurUnit CurSlot & &))
(LAMBDA (task) (SETQ Agenda &) (SETQ TaskResults &))
(LAMBDA (z) (COND & & &))
(LAMBDA (r) (* try to apply r to current task) (COND & & &))
(LAMBDA (p) (MAPC & &))

in AverageWorths...
      (GETPROP v (QUOTE Worth)))
*0 P
*E u
*E v
*E (Unitp u)
0 P
(LAMBDA (u v)   **COMMENT**   (QUOTIENT & 2))
E (NU u 'IfTrulyRelevant)


   (PRIN1 broken)
in NU...
(PRIN1 0 CRLF "Warning: doublecheck the values stored in: " WarnSlots CRLF CRLF)
*(1 CPRIN1)

Warning: doublecheck the values stored in: (SuperSlots IsA)


Warning: doublecheck the values stored in: (SuperSlots IsA)

(Worth 800 IsA (Slot) SuperSlots (IfParts) DataType LispPred)
(IfAboutToWorkOnTask HasBeenInitialized)
Note: BRKEXP not changed.
'BREAK' = 700
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5 has been applied to (700 H5 Specializations (
Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1-3)))

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (IsA English 
Worth Applics Abbrev IfAboutToWorkOnTask ThenPrintToUser ThenCompute)

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5 has been applied to (700 H5 Specializations (
Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1-3)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

	The IfAboutToWorkOnTask slot of heuristic H3(Specialize u by specializing one 
random slot) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenCompute slot of H3 has been applied to (700 H5 Specializations (
Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1-3)))
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H3 has been applied to (700 H5 Specializations (
Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1-3)))

A new unit will be created by specializing the Abbrev slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H3 has been applied to (700 H5 Specializations (
Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1-3)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

	The IfAboutToWorkOnTask slot of heuristic H5-1(Specialize u by specializing 
some random slots) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenCompute slot of H5-1 has been applied to (700 H5 Specializations (
Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1-3)))
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5-1 has been applied to (700 H5 Specializations
 (Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1-3)))

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (IsA Abbrev 
IfAboutToWorkOnTask ThenCompute Specializations)

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5-1 has been applied to (700 H5 Specializations
 (Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1-3)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

 The results of this task were: ((NewTasks (8 specific slots of H5 to find 
Specializations of) (1 specific slot of H5 to find Specializations of) (5 
specific slots of H5 to find Specializations of)))

Task 38:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Possible (528) that finding 
Specializations of H5 will be worthwhile, since: (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Abbrev slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
	The IfWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H6(Specialize a given slot of a given 
unit) applies to the current task. 

Inside the Abbrev slot, Eliminated: some
		the ThenCompute slot of H6 has been applied to (528 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Abbrev slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Abbrev) (CreditTo H5-1 H1-3)))
		the ThenDefineNewConcepts slot of H6 has been applied to (528 H5 
Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Abbrev slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Abbrev) (CreditTo H5-1 H1-3)))

Specialized the Abbrev slot of H5, replacing its old value (which was (
Specialize u by specializing some random slots)) by (Specialize u by 
specializing random slots).

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H6 has been applied to (528 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Abbrev slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Abbrev) (CreditTo H5-1 H1-3)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

	The IfFinishedWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H4(Plan to gather empirical data
 about new concepts) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H4 has been applied to (528 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Abbrev slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Abbrev) (CreditTo H5-1 H1-3)))

1 new units , namely (H5-2), 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H4 has been applied to (528 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Abbrev slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Abbrev) (CreditTo H5-1 H1-3)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

 The results of this task were: ((NewUnits H5-2) (NewTasks (1 new units must 
have instances found)))

Task 39:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Possible (528) that finding 
Specializations of H5 will be worthwhile, since: (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenCompute slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
	The IfWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H6(Specialize a given slot of a given 
unit) applies to the current task. 

Inside the ThenCompute slot, 
		the ThenCompute slot of H6 has been applied to (528 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenCompute slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenCompute) (CreditTo H5-1 H1-3)))
		the ThenDefineNewConcepts slot of H6 has been applied to (528 H5 
Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenCompute slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenCompute) (CreditTo H5-1 H1-3)))

Specialized the ThenCompute slot of H5, replacing its old value (which was (
LAMBDA (task) (SETQ SlotsToChange (SUBSET (SlotNames CurUnit) (QUOTE RandomP))) 
(SETQ CreditTo (CDR (ASSOC (QUOTE CreditTo) CurSup))) T)) by (LAMBDA (task) NIL 

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H6 has been applied to (528 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenCompute slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenCompute) (CreditTo H5-1 H1-3)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

	The IfFinishedWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H4(Plan to gather empirical data
 about new concepts) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H4 has been applied to (528 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenCompute slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenCompute) (CreditTo H5-1 H1-3)))

1 new units , namely (H5-3), 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H4 has been applied to (528 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenCompute slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenCompute) (CreditTo H5-1 H1-3)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

 The results of this task were: ((NewUnits H5-3) (NewTasks (1 new units must 
have instances found)))

Task 40:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Possible (528) that finding 
Specializations of H5 will be worthwhile, since: (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
	The IfWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H6(Specialize a given slot of a given 
unit) applies to the current task. 

Inside the Specializations slot, H5-3 -> H5-2
		the ThenCompute slot of H6 has been applied to (528 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Specializations) (CreditTo H5-1 H1-3)))
		the ThenDefineNewConcepts slot of H6 has been applied to (528 H5 
Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Specializations) (CreditTo H5-1 H1-3)))

Specialized the Specializations slot of H5, replacing its old value (which was (
H5-1 H5-2 H5-3 H5-4)) by (H5-1 H5-1 H5-2).

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H6 has been applied to (528 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Specializations) (CreditTo H5-1 H1-3)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

	The IfFinishedWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H4(Plan to gather empirical data
 about new concepts) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H4 has been applied to (528 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Specializations) (CreditTo H5-1 H1-3)))

1 new units , namely (H5-4), 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H4 has been applied to (528 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Specializations) (CreditTo H5-1 H1-3)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

 The results of this task were: ((NewUnits H5-4) (NewTasks (1 new units must 
have instances found)))

Task 41:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (603) that finding 
Specializations of H5 will be worthwhile, since: (
A new unit will be created by specializing the IsA slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
	The IfWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H6(Specialize a given slot of a given 
unit) applies to the current task. 

Hmmm... couldn't seem to find any meaningful specialization of the IsA slot of 
		the ThenCompute slot of H6 was applied to (603 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the IsA slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange IsA) (CreditTo H5-1 H1-3)))
 but for some reason it signalled a failure
, so the remaining ThenParts of the rule weren't applied.
 The results of this task were: NIL

Task 42:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (603) that finding 
Specializations of H5 will be worthwhile, since: (
A new unit will be created by specializing the IfAboutToWorkOnTask slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
	The IfWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H6(Specialize a given slot of a given 
unit) applies to the current task. 

Inside the IfAboutToWorkOnTask slot, Specializations -> SubSlots
		the ThenCompute slot of H6 has been applied to (603 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the IfAboutToWorkOnTask slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange IfAboutToWorkOnTask) (CreditTo H5-1 H1-3)))
		the ThenDefineNewConcepts slot of H6 has been applied to (603 H5 
Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the IfAboutToWorkOnTask slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange IfAboutToWorkOnTask) (CreditTo H5-1 H1-3)))

Specialized the IfAboutToWorkOnTask slot of H5, replacing its old value 
(which was (LAMBDA (task) (AND (IsAKindOf CurSlot (QUOTE Specializations)) (NULL
 (ASSOC (QUOTE SlotToChange) CurSup))))) by (LAMBDA (task) (AND (IsAKindOf 
CurSlot (QUOTE SubSlots)) (NULL (ASSOC (QUOTE SlotToChange) CurSup)))).

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H6 has been applied to (603 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the IfAboutToWorkOnTask slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange IfAboutToWorkOnTask) (CreditTo H5-1 H1-3)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

	The IfFinishedWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H4(Plan to gather empirical data
 about new concepts) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H4 has been applied to (603 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the IfAboutToWorkOnTask slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange IfAboutToWorkOnTask) (CreditTo H5-1 H1-3)))

1 new units , namely (H5-5), 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H4 has been applied to (603 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the IfAboutToWorkOnTask slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange IfAboutToWorkOnTask) (CreditTo H5-1 H1-3)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

 The results of this task were: ((NewUnits H5-5) (NewTasks (1 new units must 
have instances found)))

Task 43:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (650) that finding 
Specializations of H5 will be worthwhile, since: (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Abbrev slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
	The IfWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H6(Specialize a given slot of a given 
unit) applies to the current task. 

Inside the Abbrev slot, Eliminated: Specialize specializing random
		the ThenCompute slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Abbrev slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Abbrev) (CreditTo H5 H1-3)))
		the ThenDefineNewConcepts slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 
Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Abbrev slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Abbrev) (CreditTo H5 H1-3)))

Specialized the Abbrev slot of H5, replacing its old value (which was (
Specialize u by specializing some random slots)) by (u by some slots).

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Abbrev slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Abbrev) (CreditTo H5 H1-3)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

	The IfFinishedWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H4(Plan to gather empirical data
 about new concepts) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H4 has been applied to (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Abbrev slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Abbrev) (CreditTo H5 H1-3)))

1 new units , namely (H5-6), 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H4 has been applied to (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Abbrev slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Abbrev) (CreditTo H5 H1-3)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

 The results of this task were: ((NewUnits H5-6) (NewTasks (1 new units must 
have instances found)))

Task 44:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (650) that finding 
Specializations of H5 will be worthwhile, since: (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
	The IfWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H6(Specialize a given slot of a given 
unit) applies to the current task. 

Inside the ThenPrintToUser slot, 13 -> 7
		the ThenCompute slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenPrintToUser) (CreditTo H5 H1-3)))
		the ThenDefineNewConcepts slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 
Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenPrintToUser) (CreditTo H5 H1-3)))

Specialized the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5, replacing its old value (which was (
LAMBDA (task) (CPRIN1 13 CRLF CurUnit 
 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots:  SlotsToChange 
CRLF CRLF) T)) by (LAMBDA (task) (CPRIN1 7 CRLF CurUnit 
 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots:  SlotsToChange 

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenPrintToUser) (CreditTo H5 H1-3)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

	The IfFinishedWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H4(Plan to gather empirical data
 about new concepts) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H4 has been applied to (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenPrintToUser) (CreditTo H5 H1-3)))

1 new units , namely (H5-7), 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H4 has been applied to (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenPrintToUser) (CreditTo H5 H1-3)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

 The results of this task were: ((NewUnits H5-7) (NewTasks (1 new units must 
have instances found)))

Task 45:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (650) that finding 
Specializations of H5 will be worthwhile, since: (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenCompute slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
	The IfWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H6(Specialize a given slot of a given 
unit) applies to the current task. 

Inside the ThenCompute slot, 
		the ThenCompute slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenCompute slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenCompute) (CreditTo H5 H1-3)))
		the ThenDefineNewConcepts slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 
Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenCompute slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenCompute) (CreditTo H5 H1-3)))

Specialized the ThenCompute slot of H5, replacing its old value (which was (
LAMBDA (task) (SETQ SlotsToChange (SUBSET (SlotNames CurUnit) (QUOTE RandomP))) 
(SETQ CreditTo (CDR (ASSOC (QUOTE CreditTo) CurSup))) T)) by (LAMBDA (task) NIL 

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenCompute slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenCompute) (CreditTo H5 H1-3)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

	The IfFinishedWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H4(Plan to gather empirical data
 about new concepts) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H4 has been applied to (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenCompute slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenCompute) (CreditTo H5 H1-3)))

1 new units , namely (H5-8), 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H4 has been applied to (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenCompute slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenCompute) (CreditTo H5 H1-3)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

 The results of this task were: ((NewUnits H5-8) (NewTasks (1 new units must 
have instances found)))

Task 46:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (700) that finding 
Applics of H5-8 will be worthwhile, since: (
After a unit is synthesized, it is useful to seek instances of it.))
 The results of this task were: NIL

Task 47:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (700) that finding 
Specializations of H5 will be worthwhile, since: (
A new unit will be created by specializing the IfAboutToWorkOnTask slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
	The IfWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H6(Specialize a given slot of a given 
unit) applies to the current task. 

Hmmm... couldn't seem to find any meaningful specialization of the 
IfAboutToWorkOnTask slot of H5
		the ThenCompute slot of H6 was applied to (700 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the IfAboutToWorkOnTask slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange IfAboutToWorkOnTask) (CreditTo H5 H1-3)))
 but for some reason it signalled a failure
, so the remaining ThenParts of the rule weren't applied.
 The results of this task were: NIL

Task 48:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (700) that finding 
SubSlots of H5 will be worthwhile, since: (Conjec-1))
	The IfAboutToWorkOnTask slot of heuristic H5(Specialize u by specializing some
 random slots) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenCompute slot of H5 has been applied to (700 H5 SubSlots (Conjec-1) (
(CreditTo H1)))
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5 has been applied to (700 H5 SubSlots (
Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1)))

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (IsA 
IfPotentiallyRelevant Worth Applics Abbrev ThenPrintToUser ThenAddToAgenda 

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5 has been applied to (700 H5 SubSlots (
Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

	The IfAboutToWorkOnTask slot of heuristic H3(Specialize u by specializing one 
random slot) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenCompute slot of H3 has been applied to (700 H5 SubSlots (Conjec-1) (
(CreditTo H1)))
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H3 has been applied to (700 H5 SubSlots (
Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1)))

A new unit will be created by specializing the Applics slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H3 has been applied to (700 H5 SubSlots (
Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

	The IfAboutToWorkOnTask slot of heuristic H5-1(Specialize u by specializing 
some random slots) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenCompute slot of H5-1 has been applied to (700 H5 SubSlots (Conjec-1)
 ((CreditTo H1)))

collecting string characters
38, 550 free cells
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5-1 has been applied to (700 H5 SubSlots (
Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1)))

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (
ThenPrintToUser ThenAddToAgenda Specializations)

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5-1 has been applied to (700 H5 SubSlots (
Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

	The IfAboutToWorkOnTask slot of heuristic H5-2(Specialize u by specializing 
random slots) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenCompute slot of H5-2 has been applied to (700 H5 SubSlots (Conjec-1)
 ((CreditTo H1)))
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5-2 has been applied to (700 H5 SubSlots (
Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1)))

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (ThenCompute)

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5-2 has been applied to (700 H5 SubSlots (
Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

	The IfAboutToWorkOnTask slot of heuristic H5-3(Specialize u by specializing 
some random slots) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenCompute slot of H5-3 was applied to (700 H5 SubSlots (Conjec-1) ((
CreditTo H1))) but for some reason it signalled a failure
, so the remaining ThenParts of the rule weren't applied.
	The IfAboutToWorkOnTask slot of heuristic H5-4(Specialize u by specializing 
some random slots) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenCompute slot of H5-4 has been applied to (700 H5 SubSlots (Conjec-1)
 ((CreditTo H1)))
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5-4 has been applied to (700 H5 SubSlots (
Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1)))

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (IsA English 
ThenPrintToUser ThenAddToAgenda Specializations)

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5-4 has been applied to (700 H5 SubSlots (
Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

	The IfAboutToWorkOnTask slot of heuristic H5-5(Specialize u by specializing 
some random slots) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenCompute slot of H5-5 has been applied to (700 H5 SubSlots (Conjec-1)
 ((CreditTo H1)))
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5-5 has been applied to (700 H5 SubSlots (
Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1)))

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (IsA English 
IfPotentiallyRelevant Worth Applics Abbrev ThenPrintToUser Specializations)

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5-5 has been applied to (700 H5 SubSlots (
Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

	The IfAboutToWorkOnTask slot of heuristic H5-6(u by some slots)
 applies to the current task. 
		the ThenCompute slot of H5-6 has been applied to (700 H5 SubSlots (Conjec-1)
 ((CreditTo H1)))
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5-6 has been applied to (700 H5 SubSlots (
Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1)))

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (IsA 
ThenCompute Specializations)

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5-6 has been applied to (700 H5 SubSlots (
Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

	The IfAboutToWorkOnTask slot of heuristic H5-7(Specialize u by specializing 
some random slots) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenCompute slot of H5-7 has been applied to (700 H5 SubSlots (Conjec-1)
 ((CreditTo H1)))
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5-7 has been applied to (700 H5 SubSlots (
Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1)))

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (IsA English 
IfPotentiallyRelevant ThenPrintToUser ThenCompute)

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5-7 was applied to (700 H5 SubSlots (Conjec-1) 
((CreditTo H1))) but for some reason it signalled a failure
, so the remaining ThenParts of the rule weren't applied.
	The IfAboutToWorkOnTask slot of heuristic H5-8(Specialize u by specializing 
some random slots) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenCompute slot of H5-8 was applied to (700 H5 SubSlots (Conjec-1) ((
CreditTo H1))) but for some reason it signalled a failure
, so the remaining ThenParts of the rule weren't applied.
 The results of this task were: ((NewTasks (8 specific slots of H5 to find 
SubSlots of) (1 specific slot of H5 to find SubSlots of) (3 specific slots of H5
 to find SubSlots of) (1 specific slots of H5 to find SubSlots of) (5 specific 
slots of H5 to find SubSlots of) (8 specific slots of H5 to find SubSlots of) (3
 specific slots of H5 to find SubSlots of) (5 specific slots of H5 to find 
SubSlots of)))

Task 49:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Possible (528) that finding 
SubSlots of H5 will be worthwhile, since: (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
	The IfWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H6(Specialize a given slot of a given 
unit) applies to the current task. 

Inside the ThenPrintToUser slot, 13 -> 5
		the ThenCompute slot of H6 has been applied to (528 H5 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenPrintToUser) (CreditTo H5-1 H1)))
		the ThenDefineNewConcepts slot of H6 has been applied to (528 H5 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenPrintToUser) (CreditTo H5-1 H1)))

Specialized the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5, replacing its old value (which was (
LAMBDA (task) (CPRIN1 13 CRLF CurUnit 
 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots:  SlotsToChange 
CRLF CRLF) T)) by (LAMBDA (task) (CPRIN1 13 CRLF CurUnit 
 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots:  SlotsToChange 

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H6 has been applied to (528 H5 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenPrintToUser) (CreditTo H5-1 H1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

	The IfFinishedWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H4(Plan to gather empirical data
 about new concepts) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H4 has been applied to (528 H5 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenPrintToUser) (CreditTo H5-1 H1)))

1 new units , namely (H5-9), 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H4 has been applied to (528 H5 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenPrintToUser) (CreditTo H5-1 H1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

 The results of this task were: ((NewUnits H5-9) (NewTasks (1 new units must 
have instances found)))

Task 50:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Possible (528) that finding 
SubSlots of H5 will be worthwhile, since: (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
	The IfWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H6(Specialize a given slot of a given 
unit) applies to the current task. 

Inside the ThenAddToAgenda slot, H5 -> H5-3
		the ThenCompute slot of H6 has been applied to (528 H5 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenAddToAgenda) (CreditTo H5-1 H1)))
		the ThenDefineNewConcepts slot of H6 has been applied to (528 H5 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenAddToAgenda) (CreditTo H5-1 H1)))

Specialized the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5, replacing its old value (which was (
(S) (LIST (Average CurPri (AverageWorths S (QUOTE H5))) CurUnit CurSlot (CONS (
SETQ NewReason (CONCAT A new unit will be created by specializing the  S 
 slot of  CurUnit ; that slot was chosen randomly.)) CurReasons) (LIST (LIST (
QUOTE SlotToChange) S) (CONS (QUOTE CreditTo) (CONS (QUOTE H5) CreditTo))))))) T
) Agenda T)) (SETQ TaskResults (AddPropL TaskResults (QUOTE NewTasks) (LIST (
LENGTH SlotsToChange) (QUOTE specific) (QUOTE slots) (QUOTE of) CurUnit (QUOTE 
to) (QUOTE find) CurSlot (QUOTE of)))))) by (LAMBDA (task) (SETQ Agenda (MERGE (
SORT (MAPCAR SlotsToChange (FUNCTION (LAMBDA (S) (LIST (Average CurPri (
AverageWorths S (QUOTE H5))) CurUnit CurSlot (CONS (SETQ NewReason (CONCAT 
A new unit will be created by specializing the  S  slot of  CurUnit 
; that slot was chosen randomly.)) CurReasons) (LIST (LIST (QUOTE SlotToChange) 
S) (CONS (QUOTE CreditTo) (CONS (QUOTE H5-3) CreditTo))))))) T) Agenda T)) NIL).

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H6 has been applied to (528 H5 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenAddToAgenda) (CreditTo H5-1 H1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

	The IfFinishedWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H4(Plan to gather empirical data
 about new concepts) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H4 has been applied to (528 H5 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenAddToAgenda) (CreditTo H5-1 H1)))

1 new units , namely (H5-10), 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H4 has been applied to (528 H5 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenAddToAgenda) (CreditTo H5-1 H1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

 The results of this task were: ((NewUnits H5-10) (NewTasks (1 new units must 
have instances found)))

Task 51:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Possible (528) that finding 
SubSlots of H5 will be worthwhile, since: (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
	The IfWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H6(Specialize a given slot of a given 
unit) applies to the current task. 

Inside the Specializations slot, H5-9 -> H5-2
		the ThenCompute slot of H6 has been applied to (528 H5 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Specializations) (CreditTo H5-1 H1)))
		the ThenDefineNewConcepts slot of H6 has been applied to (528 H5 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Specializations) (CreditTo H5-1 H1)))

Specialized the Specializations slot of H5, replacing its old value (which was (
H5-1 H5-2 H5-3 H5-4 H5-5 H5-6 H5-7 H5-8 H5-9 H5-10 H5-11)) by (H5-1 H5-1 H5-3 
H5-4 H5-3 H5-3 H5-1 H5-2 H5-2 H5-10).

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H6 has been applied to (528 H5 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Specializations) (CreditTo H5-1 H1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

	The IfFinishedWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H4(Plan to gather empirical data
 about new concepts) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H4 has been applied to (528 H5 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Specializations) (CreditTo H5-1 H1)))

1 new units , namely (H5-11), 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H4 has been applied to (528 H5 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Specializations) (CreditTo H5-1 H1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

 The results of this task were: ((NewUnits H5-11) (NewTasks (1 new units must 
have instances found)))

Task 52:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (650) that finding 
SubSlots of H5 will be worthwhile, since: (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Abbrev slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
	The IfWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H6(Specialize a given slot of a given 
unit) applies to the current task. 

Inside the Abbrev slot, Eliminated: u specializing some random
		the ThenCompute slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Abbrev slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Abbrev) (CreditTo H5 H1)))
		the ThenDefineNewConcepts slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Abbrev slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Abbrev) (CreditTo H5 H1)))

Specialized the Abbrev slot of H5, replacing its old value (which was (
Specialize u by specializing some random slots)) by (Specialize by slots).

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Abbrev slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Abbrev) (CreditTo H5 H1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

	The IfFinishedWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H4(Plan to gather empirical data
 about new concepts) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H4 has been applied to (650 H5 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Abbrev slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Abbrev) (CreditTo H5 H1)))

1 new units , namely (H5-12), 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H4 has been applied to (650 H5 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Abbrev slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Abbrev) (CreditTo H5 H1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

 The results of this task were: ((NewUnits H5-12) (NewTasks (1 new units must 
have instances found)))

Task 53:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (650) that finding 
SubSlots of H5 will be worthwhile, since: (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
	The IfWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H6(Specialize a given slot of a given 
unit) applies to the current task. 

Inside the ThenPrintToUser slot, 13 -> 10
		the ThenCompute slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenPrintToUser) (CreditTo H5 H1)))
		the ThenDefineNewConcepts slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenPrintToUser) (CreditTo H5 H1)))

Specialized the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5, replacing its old value (which was (
LAMBDA (task) (CPRIN1 13 CRLF CurUnit 
 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots:  SlotsToChange 
CRLF CRLF) T)) by (LAMBDA (task) (CPRIN1 10 CRLF CurUnit 
 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots:  SlotsToChange 

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenPrintToUser) (CreditTo H5 H1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

	The IfFinishedWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H4(Plan to gather empirical data
 about new concepts) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H4 has been applied to (650 H5 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenPrintToUser) (CreditTo H5 H1)))

1 new units , namely (H5-13), 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H4 has been applied to (650 H5 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenPrintToUser) (CreditTo H5 H1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

 The results of this task were: ((NewUnits H5-13) (NewTasks (1 new units must 
have instances found)))

Task 54:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (650) that finding 
SubSlots of H5 will be worthwhile, since: (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
	The IfWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H6(Specialize a given slot of a given 
unit) applies to the current task. 

Inside the ThenAddToAgenda slot, H5 -> H5-7
		the ThenCompute slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenAddToAgenda) (CreditTo H5 H1)))
		the ThenDefineNewConcepts slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenAddToAgenda) (CreditTo H5 H1)))

Specialized the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5, replacing its old value (which was (
(S) (LIST (Average CurPri (AverageWorths S (QUOTE H5))) CurUnit CurSlot (CONS (
SETQ NewReason (CONCAT A new unit will be created by specializing the  S 
 slot of  CurUnit ; that slot was chosen randomly.)) CurReasons) (LIST (LIST (
QUOTE SlotToChange) S) (CONS (QUOTE CreditTo) (CONS (QUOTE H5) CreditTo))))))) T
) Agenda T)) (SETQ TaskResults (AddPropL TaskResults (QUOTE NewTasks) (LIST (
LENGTH SlotsToChange) (QUOTE specific) (QUOTE slots) (QUOTE of) CurUnit (QUOTE 
to) (QUOTE find) CurSlot (QUOTE of)))))) by (LAMBDA (task) (SETQ Agenda (MERGE (
SORT (MAPCAR SlotsToChange (FUNCTION (LAMBDA (S) (LIST (Average CurPri (
AverageWorths S (QUOTE H5))) CurUnit CurSlot (CONS (SETQ NewReason (CONCAT 
A new unit will be created by specializing the  S  slot of  CurUnit 
; that slot was chosen randomly.)) CurReasons) (LIST (LIST (QUOTE SlotToChange) 
S) (CONS (QUOTE CreditTo) (CONS (QUOTE H5) CreditTo))))))) T) Agenda T)) NIL).

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenAddToAgenda) (CreditTo H5 H1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

	The IfFinishedWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H4(Plan to gather empirical data
 about new concepts) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H4 has been applied to (650 H5 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenAddToAgenda) (CreditTo H5 H1)))

1 new units , namely (H5-14), 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H4 has been applied to (650 H5 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenAddToAgenda) (CreditTo H5 H1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

 The results of this task were: ((NewUnits H5-14) (NewTasks (1 new units must 
have instances found)))

Task 55:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (650) that finding 
SubSlots of H5 will be worthwhile, since: (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
	The IfWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H6(Specialize a given slot of a given 
unit) applies to the current task. 

Inside the Specializations slot, H5-14 -> H5-3
		the ThenCompute slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Specializations) (CreditTo H5 H1)))
		the ThenDefineNewConcepts slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Specializations) (CreditTo H5 H1)))

Specialized the Specializations slot of H5, replacing its old value (which was (
H5-1 H5-2 H5-3 H5-4 H5-5 H5-6 H5-7 H5-8 H5-9 H5-10 H5-11 H5-12 H5-13 H5-14 H5-15
)) by (H5-1 H5-1 H5-2 H5-1 H5-5 H5-6 H5-7 H5-8 H5-9 H5-5 H5-4 H5-12 H5-3 H5-3).

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Specializations) (CreditTo H5 H1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

	The IfFinishedWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H4(Plan to gather empirical data
 about new concepts) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H4 has been applied to (650 H5 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Specializations) (CreditTo H5 H1)))

1 new units , namely (H5-15), 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H4 has been applied to (650 H5 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Specializations) (CreditTo H5 H1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

 The results of this task were: ((NewUnits H5-15) (NewTasks (1 new units must 
have instances found)))

Task 56:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (650) that finding 
SubSlots of H5 will be worthwhile, since: (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenCompute slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
	The IfWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H6(Specialize a given slot of a given 
unit) applies to the current task. 

Inside the ThenCompute slot, 
		the ThenCompute slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenCompute slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenCompute) (CreditTo H5-2 H1)))

collecting string characters
0, 512 free cells
		the ThenDefineNewConcepts slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenCompute slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenCompute) (CreditTo H5-2 H1)))

Specialized the ThenCompute slot of H5, replacing its old value (which was (
LAMBDA (task) (SETQ SlotsToChange (SUBSET (SlotNames CurUnit) (QUOTE RandomP))) 
(SETQ CreditTo (CDR (ASSOC (QUOTE CreditTo) CurSup))) T)) by (LAMBDA (task) NIL 

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenCompute slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenCompute) (CreditTo H5-2 H1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

	The IfFinishedWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H4(Plan to gather empirical data
 about new concepts) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H4 has been applied to (650 H5 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenCompute slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenCompute) (CreditTo H5-2 H1)))

1 new units , namely (H5-16), 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H4 has been applied to (650 H5 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenCompute slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenCompute) (CreditTo H5-2 H1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

 The results of this task were: ((NewUnits H5-16) (NewTasks (1 new units must 
have instances found)))

Task 57:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (650) that finding 
SubSlots of H5 will be worthwhile, since: (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
	The IfWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H6(Specialize a given slot of a given 
unit) applies to the current task. 

Inside the ThenPrintToUser slot, 13 -> 2
		the ThenCompute slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenPrintToUser) (CreditTo H5-4 H1)))
		the ThenDefineNewConcepts slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenPrintToUser) (CreditTo H5-4 H1)))

Specialized the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5, replacing its old value (which was (
LAMBDA (task) (CPRIN1 13 CRLF CurUnit 
 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots:  SlotsToChange 
CRLF CRLF) T)) by (LAMBDA (task) (CPRIN1 13 CRLF CurUnit 
 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots:  SlotsToChange 

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenPrintToUser) (CreditTo H5-4 H1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

	The IfFinishedWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H4(Plan to gather empirical data
 about new concepts) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H4 has been applied to (650 H5 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenPrintToUser) (CreditTo H5-4 H1)))

1 new units , namely (H5-17), 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H4 has been applied to (650 H5 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenPrintToUser) (CreditTo H5-4 H1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

 The results of this task were: ((NewUnits H5-17) (NewTasks (1 new units must 
have instances found)))

Task 58:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (650) that finding 
SubSlots of H5 will be worthwhile, since: (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
	The IfWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H6(Specialize a given slot of a given 
unit) applies to the current task. 

Inside the ThenAddToAgenda slot, H5 -> H5-5
		the ThenCompute slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenAddToAgenda) (CreditTo H5-4 H1)))
		the ThenDefineNewConcepts slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenAddToAgenda) (CreditTo H5-4 H1)))

Specialized the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5, replacing its old value (which was (
(S) (LIST (Average CurPri (AverageWorths S (QUOTE H5))) CurUnit CurSlot (CONS (
SETQ NewReason (CONCAT A new unit will be created by specializing the  S 
 slot of  CurUnit ; that slot was chosen randomly.)) CurReasons) (LIST (LIST (
QUOTE SlotToChange) S) (CONS (QUOTE CreditTo) (CONS (QUOTE H5) CreditTo))))))) T
) Agenda T)) (SETQ TaskResults (AddPropL TaskResults (QUOTE NewTasks) (LIST (
LENGTH SlotsToChange) (QUOTE specific) (QUOTE slots) (QUOTE of) CurUnit (QUOTE 
to) (QUOTE find) CurSlot (QUOTE of)))))) by (LAMBDA (task) (SETQ Agenda (MERGE (
SORT (MAPCAR SlotsToChange (FUNCTION (LAMBDA (S) (LIST (Average CurPri (
AverageWorths S (QUOTE H5))) CurUnit CurSlot (CONS (SETQ NewReason (CONCAT 
A new unit will be created by specializing the  S  slot of  CurUnit 
; that slot was chosen randomly.)) CurReasons) (LIST (LIST (QUOTE SlotToChange) 
S) (CONS (QUOTE CreditTo) (CONS (QUOTE H5-5) CreditTo))))))) T) Agenda T)) NIL).

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenAddToAgenda) (CreditTo H5-4 H1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

	The IfFinishedWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H4(Plan to gather empirical data
 about new concepts) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H4 has been applied to (650 H5 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenAddToAgenda) (CreditTo H5-4 H1)))

1 new units , namely (H5-18), 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H4 has been applied to (650 H5 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenAddToAgenda) (CreditTo H5-4 H1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

 The results of this task were: ((NewUnits H5-18) (NewTasks (1 new units must 
have instances found)))

Task 59:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (650) that finding 
SubSlots of H5 will be worthwhile, since: (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
	The IfWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H6(Specialize a given slot of a given 
unit) applies to the current task. 

Inside the Specializations slot, H5-18 -> H5-13
		the ThenCompute slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Specializations) (CreditTo H5-4 H1)))
		the ThenDefineNewConcepts slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Specializations) (CreditTo H5-4 H1)))

Specialized the Specializations slot of H5, replacing its old value (which was (
H5-1 H5-2 H5-3 H5-4 H5-5 H5-6 H5-7 H5-8 H5-9 H5-10 H5-11 H5-12 H5-13 H5-14 H5-15
 H5-16 H5-17 H5-18 H5-19)) by (H5-1 H5-2 H5-3 H5-4 H5-1 H5-6 H5-7 H5-8 H5-9 
H5-10 H5-11 H5-12 H5-13 H5-10 H5-15 H5-12 H5-17 H5-13).

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Specializations) (CreditTo H5-4 H1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

	The IfFinishedWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H4(Plan to gather empirical data
 about new concepts) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H4 has been applied to (650 H5 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Specializations) (CreditTo H5-4 H1)))

1 new units , namely (H5-19), 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H4 has been applied to (650 H5 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Specializations) (CreditTo H5-4 H1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

 The results of this task were: ((NewUnits H5-19) (NewTasks (1 new units must 
have instances found)))

Task 60:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (650) that finding 
SubSlots of H5 will be worthwhile, since: (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Abbrev slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
	The IfWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H6(Specialize a given slot of a given 
unit) applies to the current task. 

Inside the Abbrev slot, Eliminated: Specialize by random slots
		the ThenCompute slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Abbrev slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Abbrev) (CreditTo H5-5 H1)))
		the ThenDefineNewConcepts slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Abbrev slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Abbrev) (CreditTo H5-5 H1)))

Specialized the Abbrev slot of H5, replacing its old value (which was (
Specialize u by specializing some random slots)) by (u specializing some).

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Abbrev slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Abbrev) (CreditTo H5-5 H1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

	The IfFinishedWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H4(Plan to gather empirical data
 about new concepts) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H4 has been applied to (650 H5 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Abbrev slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Abbrev) (CreditTo H5-5 H1)))

1 new units , namely (H5-20), 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H4 has been applied to (650 H5 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Abbrev slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Abbrev) (CreditTo H5-5 H1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

 The results of this task were: ((NewUnits H5-20) (NewTasks (1 new units must 
have instances found)))

Task 61:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (650) that finding 
SubSlots of H5 will be worthwhile, since: (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
	The IfWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H6(Specialize a given slot of a given 
unit) applies to the current task. 

Inside the ThenPrintToUser slot, 13 -> 1
		the ThenCompute slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenPrintToUser) (CreditTo H5-5 H1)))
		the ThenDefineNewConcepts slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenPrintToUser) (CreditTo H5-5 H1)))

Specialized the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5, replacing its old value (which was (
LAMBDA (task) (CPRIN1 13 CRLF CurUnit 
 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots:  SlotsToChange 
CRLF CRLF) T)) by (LAMBDA (task) (CPRIN1 13 CRLF CurUnit 
 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots:  SlotsToChange 

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenPrintToUser) (CreditTo H5-5 H1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

	The IfFinishedWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H4(Plan to gather empirical data
 about new concepts) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H4 has been applied to (650 H5 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenPrintToUser) (CreditTo H5-5 H1)))

1 new units , namely (H5-21), 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H4 has been applied to (650 H5 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenPrintToUser) (CreditTo H5-5 H1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

 The results of this task were: ((NewUnits H5-21) (NewTasks (1 new units must 
have instances found)))

Task 62:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (650) that finding 
SubSlots of H5 will be worthwhile, since: (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
	The IfWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H6(Specialize a given slot of a given 
unit) applies to the current task. 

Inside the Specializations slot, H5-20 -> H5-7
		the ThenCompute slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Specializations) (CreditTo H5-5 H1)))
		the ThenDefineNewConcepts slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Specializations) (CreditTo H5-5 H1)))

Specialized the Specializations slot of H5, replacing its old value (which was (
H5-1 H5-2 H5-3 H5-4 H5-5 H5-6 H5-7 H5-8 H5-9 H5-10 H5-11 H5-12 H5-13 H5-14 H5-15
 H5-16 H5-17 H5-18 H5-19 H5-20 H5-21 H5-22)) by (H5-1 H5-2 H5-3 H5-4 H5-5 H5-3 
H5-2 H5-8 H5-9 H5-3 H5-4 H5-12 H5-10 H5-4 H5-15 H5-16 H5-2 H5-17 H5-19 H5-7 

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Specializations) (CreditTo H5-5 H1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

	The IfFinishedWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H4(Plan to gather empirical data
 about new concepts) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H4 has been applied to (650 H5 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Specializations) (CreditTo H5-5 H1)))

1 new units , namely (H5-22), 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H4 has been applied to (650 H5 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Specializations) (CreditTo H5-5 H1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

 The results of this task were: ((NewUnits H5-22) (NewTasks (1 new units must 
have instances found)))

Task 63:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (650) that finding 
SubSlots of H5 will be worthwhile, since: (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenCompute slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
	The IfWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H6(Specialize a given slot of a given 
unit) applies to the current task. 

Inside the ThenCompute slot, 
		the ThenCompute slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenCompute slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenCompute) (CreditTo H5-6 H1)))
		the ThenDefineNewConcepts slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenCompute slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenCompute) (CreditTo H5-6 H1)))

Specialized the ThenCompute slot of H5, replacing its old value (which was (
LAMBDA (task) (SETQ SlotsToChange (SUBSET (SlotNames CurUnit) (QUOTE RandomP))) 
(SETQ CreditTo (CDR (ASSOC (QUOTE CreditTo) CurSup))) T)) by (LAMBDA (task) NIL 

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenCompute slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenCompute) (CreditTo H5-6 H1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

	The IfFinishedWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H4(Plan to gather empirical data
 about new concepts) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H4 has been applied to (650 H5 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenCompute slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenCompute) (CreditTo H5-6 H1)))

1 new units , namely (H5-23), 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H4 has been applied to (650 H5 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenCompute slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenCompute) (CreditTo H5-6 H1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

 The results of this task were: ((NewUnits H5-23) (NewTasks (1 new units must 
have instances found)))

Task 64:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (650) that finding 
SubSlots of H5 will be worthwhile, since: (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
	The IfWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H6(Specialize a given slot of a given 
unit) applies to the current task. 

Inside the Specializations slot, H5-21 -> H5-17
		the ThenCompute slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Specializations) (CreditTo H5-6 H1)))
		the ThenDefineNewConcepts slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Specializations) (CreditTo H5-6 H1)))

Specialized the Specializations slot of H5, replacing its old value (which was (
H5-1 H5-2 H5-3 H5-4 H5-5 H5-6 H5-7 H5-8 H5-9 H5-10 H5-11 H5-12 H5-13 H5-14 H5-15
 H5-16 H5-17 H5-18 H5-19 H5-20 H5-21 H5-22 H5-23 H5-24)) by (H5-1 H5-1 H5-3 H5-2
 H5-5 H5-6 H5-3 H5-8 H5-2 H5-8 H5-11 H5-12 H5-2 H5-14 H5-2 H5-1 H5-17 H5-3 H5-17
 H5-17 H5-17 H5-22 H5-23).

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Specializations) (CreditTo H5-6 H1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

	The IfFinishedWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H4(Plan to gather empirical data
 about new concepts) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H4 has been applied to (650 H5 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Specializations) (CreditTo H5-6 H1)))

1 new units , namely (H5-24), 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H4 has been applied to (650 H5 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Specializations) (CreditTo H5-6 H1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

 The results of this task were: ((NewUnits H5-24) (NewTasks (1 new units must 
have instances found)))

Task 65:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (650) that finding 
SubSlots of H5 will be worthwhile, since: (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
	The IfWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H6(Specialize a given slot of a given 
unit) applies to the current task. 

Inside the ThenPrintToUser slot, 13 -> 11
		the ThenCompute slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenPrintToUser) (CreditTo H5-7 H1)))
		the ThenDefineNewConcepts slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenPrintToUser) (CreditTo H5-7 H1)))

Specialized the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5, replacing its old value (which was (
LAMBDA (task) (CPRIN1 13 CRLF CurUnit 
 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots:  SlotsToChange 
CRLF CRLF) T)) by (LAMBDA (task) (CPRIN1 11 CRLF CurUnit 
 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots:  SlotsToChange 

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenPrintToUser) (CreditTo H5-7 H1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

	The IfFinishedWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H4(Plan to gather empirical data
 about new concepts) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H4 has been applied to (650 H5 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenPrintToUser) (CreditTo H5-7 H1)))

1 new units , namely (H5-25), 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H4 has been applied to (650 H5 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenPrintToUser) (CreditTo H5-7 H1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

 The results of this task were: ((NewUnits H5-25) (NewTasks (1 new units must 
have instances found)))

Task 66:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (650) that finding 
SubSlots of H5 will be worthwhile, since: (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenCompute slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
	The IfWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H6(Specialize a given slot of a given 
unit) applies to the current task. 

Inside the ThenCompute slot, 
		the ThenCompute slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenCompute slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenCompute) (CreditTo H5-7 H1)))
		the ThenDefineNewConcepts slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenCompute slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenCompute) (CreditTo H5-7 H1)))

Specialized the ThenCompute slot of H5, replacing its old value (which was (
LAMBDA (task) (SETQ SlotsToChange (SUBSET (SlotNames CurUnit) (QUOTE RandomP))) 
(SETQ CreditTo (CDR (ASSOC (QUOTE CreditTo) CurSup))) T)) by (LAMBDA (task) NIL 

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenCompute slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenCompute) (CreditTo H5-7 H1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

	The IfFinishedWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H4(Plan to gather empirical data
 about new concepts) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H4 has been applied to (650 H5 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenCompute slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenCompute) (CreditTo H5-7 H1)))

1 new units , namely (H5-26), 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H4 has been applied to (650 H5 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenCompute slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenCompute) (CreditTo H5-7 H1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

 The results of this task were: ((NewUnits H5-26) (NewTasks (1 new units must 
have instances found)))

Task 67:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (700) that finding 
Applics of H5-26 will be worthwhile, since: (
After a unit is synthesized, it is useful to seek instances of it.))
 The results of this task were: NIL

Task 68:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (700) that finding 
Specializations of H5 will be worthwhile, since: (Conjec-1))
	The IfAboutToWorkOnTask slot of heuristic H5(Specialize u by specializing some
 random slots) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenCompute slot of H5 has been applied to (700 H5 Specializations (
Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1-1)))
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5 has been applied to (700 H5 Specializations (
Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1-1)))

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (English 
Worth ThenAddToAgenda ThenCompute Specializations)

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5 has been applied to (700 H5 Specializations (
Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1-1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

	The IfAboutToWorkOnTask slot of heuristic H3(Specialize u by specializing one 
random slot) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenCompute slot of H3 has been applied to (700 H5 Specializations (
Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1-1)))
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H3 has been applied to (700 H5 Specializations (
Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1-1)))

A new unit will be created by specializing the IsA slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H3 has been applied to (700 H5 Specializations (
Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1-1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

	The IfAboutToWorkOnTask slot of heuristic H5-1(Specialize u by specializing 
some random slots) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenCompute slot of H5-1 has been applied to (700 H5 Specializations (
Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1-1)))
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5-1 has been applied to (700 H5 Specializations
 (Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1-1)))

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (
IfPotentiallyRelevant Worth Applics Abbrev IfAboutToWorkOnTask ThenPrintToUser 

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5-1 has been applied to (700 H5 Specializations
 (Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1-1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

	The IfAboutToWorkOnTask slot of heuristic H5-2(Specialize u by specializing 
random slots) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenCompute slot of H5-2 has been applied to (700 H5 Specializations (
Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1-1)))

collecting string characters
0, 512 free cells
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5-2 has been applied to (700 H5 Specializations
 (Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1-1)))

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (IsA English 
IfPotentiallyRelevant ThenPrintToUser ThenAddToAgenda ThenCompute 

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5-2 has been applied to (700 H5 Specializations
 (Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1-1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

	The IfAboutToWorkOnTask slot of heuristic H5-3(Specialize u by specializing 
some random slots) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenCompute slot of H5-3 was applied to (700 H5 Specializations (
Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1-1))) but for some reason it signalled a failure
, so the remaining ThenParts of the rule weren't applied.
	The IfAboutToWorkOnTask slot of heuristic H5-4(Specialize u by specializing 
some random slots) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenCompute slot of H5-4 has been applied to (700 H5 Specializations (
Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1-1)))
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5-4 has been applied to (700 H5 Specializations
 (Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1-1)))

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (
IfPotentiallyRelevant Applics IfAboutToWorkOnTask ThenPrintToUser 
ThenAddToAgenda ThenCompute)

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5-4 has been applied to (700 H5 Specializations
 (Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1-1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

	The IfAboutToWorkOnTask slot of heuristic H5-6(u by some slots)
 applies to the current task. 
		the ThenCompute slot of H5-6 has been applied to (700 H5 Specializations (
Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1-1)))
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5-6 has been applied to (700 H5 Specializations
 (Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1-1)))

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (IsA English 
IfPotentiallyRelevant Worth Applics IfAboutToWorkOnTask ThenPrintToUser 
ThenCompute Specializations)

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5-6 has been applied to (700 H5 Specializations
 (Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1-1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

	The IfAboutToWorkOnTask slot of heuristic H5-7(Specialize u by specializing 
some random slots) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenCompute slot of H5-7 has been applied to (700 H5 Specializations (
Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1-1)))
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5-7 has been applied to (700 H5 Specializations
 (Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1-1)))

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (IsA 
IfPotentiallyRelevant Worth)

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5-7 was applied to (700 H5 Specializations (
Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1-1))) but for some reason it signalled a failure
, so the remaining ThenParts of the rule weren't applied.
	The IfAboutToWorkOnTask slot of heuristic H5-8(Specialize u by specializing 
some random slots) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenCompute slot of H5-8 was applied to (700 H5 Specializations (
Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1-1))) but for some reason it signalled a failure
, so the remaining ThenParts of the rule weren't applied.
	The IfAboutToWorkOnTask slot of heuristic H5-9(Specialize u by specializing 
some random slots) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenCompute slot of H5-9 has been applied to (700 H5 Specializations (
Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1-1)))

collecting string characters
0, 512 free cells
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5-9 has been applied to (700 H5 Specializations
 (Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1-1)))

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (IsA English 
IfPotentiallyRelevant Worth Abbrev IfAboutToWorkOnTask ThenAddToAgenda 

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5-9 was applied to (700 H5 Specializations (
Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1-1))) but for some reason it signalled a failure
, so the remaining ThenParts of the rule weren't applied.
	The IfAboutToWorkOnTask slot of heuristic H5-10(Specialize u by specializing 
some random slots) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenCompute slot of H5-10 has been applied to (700 H5 Specializations (
Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1-1)))
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5-10 was applied to (700 H5 Specializations (
Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1-1))) but for some reason it signalled a failure
, so the remaining ThenParts of the rule weren't applied.
	The IfAboutToWorkOnTask slot of heuristic H5-11(Specialize u by specializing 
some random slots) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenCompute slot of H5-11 has been applied to (700 H5 Specializations (
Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1-1)))
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5-11 has been applied to (700 H5 
Specializations (Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1-1)))

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (IsA English 
IfPotentiallyRelevant Applics Abbrev IfAboutToWorkOnTask ThenPrintToUser 
ThenAddToAgenda ThenCompute Specializations)

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5-11 has been applied to (700 H5 
Specializations (Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1-1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

	The IfAboutToWorkOnTask slot of heuristic H5-12(Specialize by slots)
 applies to the current task. 
		the ThenCompute slot of H5-12 has been applied to (700 H5 Specializations (
Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1-1)))
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5-12 has been applied to (700 H5 
Specializations (Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1-1)))

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (IsA Applics)

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5-12 has been applied to (700 H5 
Specializations (Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1-1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

	The IfAboutToWorkOnTask slot of heuristic H5-13(Specialize u by specializing 
some random slots) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenCompute slot of H5-13 has been applied to (700 H5 Specializations (
Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1-1)))
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5-13 has been applied to (700 H5 
Specializations (Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1-1)))

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (
IfPotentiallyRelevant IfAboutToWorkOnTask ThenPrintToUser ThenAddToAgenda 

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5-13 was applied to (700 H5 Specializations (
Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1-1))) but for some reason it signalled a failure
, so the remaining ThenParts of the rule weren't applied.
	The IfAboutToWorkOnTask slot of heuristic H5-14(Specialize u by specializing 
some random slots) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenCompute slot of H5-14 has been applied to (700 H5 Specializations (
Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1-1)))

collecting string characters
0, 512 free cells
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5-14 was applied to (700 H5 Specializations (
Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1-1))) but for some reason it signalled a failure
, so the remaining ThenParts of the rule weren't applied.
	The IfAboutToWorkOnTask slot of heuristic H5-15(Specialize u by specializing 
some random slots) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenCompute slot of H5-15 has been applied to (700 H5 Specializations (
Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1-1)))
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5-15 has been applied to (700 H5 
Specializations (Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1-1)))

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (English 
IfPotentiallyRelevant Applics Abbrev ThenCompute)

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5-15 has been applied to (700 H5 
Specializations (Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1-1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

	The IfAboutToWorkOnTask slot of heuristic H5-16(Specialize u by specializing 
some random slots) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenCompute slot of H5-16 was applied to (700 H5 Specializations (
Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1-1))) but for some reason it signalled a failure
, so the remaining ThenParts of the rule weren't applied.
	The IfAboutToWorkOnTask slot of heuristic H5-17(Specialize u by specializing 
some random slots) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenCompute slot of H5-17 has been applied to (700 H5 Specializations (
Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1-1)))
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5-17 has been applied to (700 H5 
Specializations (Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1-1)))

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (English 
Worth Applics IfAboutToWorkOnTask ThenPrintToUser Specializations)

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5-17 was applied to (700 H5 Specializations (
Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1-1))) but for some reason it signalled a failure
, so the remaining ThenParts of the rule weren't applied.
	The IfAboutToWorkOnTask slot of heuristic H5-18(Specialize u by specializing 
some random slots) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenCompute slot of H5-18 has been applied to (700 H5 Specializations (
Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1-1)))
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5-18 was applied to (700 H5 Specializations (
Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1-1))) but for some reason it signalled a failure
, so the remaining ThenParts of the rule weren't applied.
	The IfAboutToWorkOnTask slot of heuristic H5-19(Specialize u by specializing 
some random slots) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenCompute slot of H5-19 has been applied to (700 H5 Specializations (
Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1-1)))

collecting string characters
0, 512 free cells
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5-19 has been applied to (700 H5 
Specializations (Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1-1)))

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (
IfPotentiallyRelevant Worth Applics ThenPrintToUser ThenCompute Specializations)

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5-19 has been applied to (700 H5 
Specializations (Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1-1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

	The IfAboutToWorkOnTask slot of heuristic H5-20(u specializing some)
 applies to the current task. 
		the ThenCompute slot of H5-20 has been applied to (700 H5 Specializations (
Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1-1)))
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5-20 has been applied to (700 H5 
Specializations (Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1-1)))

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (IsA English 
Worth Applics Abbrev IfAboutToWorkOnTask ThenAddToAgenda)

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5-20 has been applied to (700 H5 
Specializations (Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1-1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

	The IfAboutToWorkOnTask slot of heuristic H5-21(Specialize u by specializing 
some random slots) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenCompute slot of H5-21 has been applied to (700 H5 Specializations (
Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1-1)))
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5-21 has been applied to (700 H5 
Specializations (Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1-1)))

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (Worth)

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5-21 was applied to (700 H5 Specializations (
Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1-1))) but for some reason it signalled a failure
, so the remaining ThenParts of the rule weren't applied.
	The IfAboutToWorkOnTask slot of heuristic H5-22(Specialize u by specializing 
some random slots) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenCompute slot of H5-22 has been applied to (700 H5 Specializations (
Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1-1)))
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5-22 has been applied to (700 H5 
Specializations (Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1-1)))

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (IsA Worth 
ThenPrintToUser Specializations)

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5-22 has been applied to (700 H5 
Specializations (Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1-1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

	The IfAboutToWorkOnTask slot of heuristic H5-23(Specialize u by specializing 
some random slots) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenCompute slot of H5-23 was applied to (700 H5 Specializations (
Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1-1))) but for some reason it signalled a failure
, so the remaining ThenParts of the rule weren't applied.
	The IfAboutToWorkOnTask slot of heuristic H5-24(Specialize u by specializing 
some random slots) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenCompute slot of H5-24 has been applied to (700 H5 Specializations (
Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1-1)))
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5-24 has been applied to (700 H5 
Specializations (Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1-1)))

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (IsA 
IfPotentiallyRelevant Worth)

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5-24 has been applied to (700 H5 
Specializations (Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1-1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

	The IfAboutToWorkOnTask slot of heuristic H5-25(Specialize u by specializing 
some random slots) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenCompute slot of H5-25 has been applied to (700 H5 Specializations (
Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1-1)))
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5-25 has been applied to (700 H5 
Specializations (Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1-1)))

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (English 
IfPotentiallyRelevant Applics Abbrev Specializations)

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5-25 was applied to (700 H5 Specializations (
Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1-1))) but for some reason it signalled a failure
, so the remaining ThenParts of the rule weren't applied.
	The IfAboutToWorkOnTask slot of heuristic H5-26(Specialize u by specializing 
some random slots) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenCompute slot of H5-26 was applied to (700 H5 Specializations (
Conjec-1) ((CreditTo H1-1))) but for some reason it signalled a failure
, so the remaining ThenParts of the rule weren't applied.
 The results of this task were: ((NewTasks (5 specific slots of H5 to find 
Specializations of) (1 specific slot of H5 to find Specializations of) (7 
specific slots of H5 to find Specializations of) (7 specific slots of H5 to find
 Specializations of) (6 specific slots of H5 to find Specializations of) (9 
specific slots of H5 to find Specializations of) (3 specific slots of H5 to find
 Specializations of) (8 specific slots of H5 to find Specializations of) (10 
specific slots of H5 to find Specializations of) (2 specific slots of H5 to find
 Specializations of) (5 specific slots of H5 to find Specializations of) (5 
specific slots of H5 to find Specializations of) (6 specific slots of H5 to find
 Specializations of) (6 specific slots of H5 to find Specializations of) (7 
specific slots of H5 to find Specializations of) (1 specific slots of H5 to find
 Specializations of) (4 specific slots of H5 to find Specializations of) (3 
specific slots of H5 to find Specializations of) (5 specific slots of H5 to find
 Specializations of)))

Task 69:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Possible (528) that finding 
Specializations of H5 will be worthwhile, since: (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Abbrev slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
	The IfWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H6(Specialize a given slot of a given 
unit) applies to the current task. 

Inside the Abbrev slot, Eliminated: specializing some
		the ThenCompute slot of H6 has been applied to (528 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Abbrev slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Abbrev) (CreditTo H5-1 H1-1)))
		the ThenDefineNewConcepts slot of H6 has been applied to (528 H5 
Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Abbrev slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Abbrev) (CreditTo H5-1 H1-1)))

Specialized the Abbrev slot of H5, replacing its old value (which was (
Specialize u by specializing some random slots)) by (Specialize u by random 

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H6 has been applied to (528 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Abbrev slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Abbrev) (CreditTo H5-1 H1-1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

	The IfFinishedWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H4(Plan to gather empirical data
 about new concepts) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H4 has been applied to (528 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Abbrev slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Abbrev) (CreditTo H5-1 H1-1)))

1 new units , namely (H5-27), 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H4 has been applied to (528 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Abbrev slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Abbrev) (CreditTo H5-1 H1-1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

 The results of this task were: ((NewUnits H5-27) (NewTasks (1 new units must 
have instances found)))

Task 70:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Possible (528) that finding 
Specializations of H5 will be worthwhile, since: (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
	The IfWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H6(Specialize a given slot of a given 
unit) applies to the current task. 

Inside the ThenPrintToUser slot, 13 -> 9
		the ThenCompute slot of H6 has been applied to (528 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenPrintToUser) (CreditTo H5-1 H1-1)))
		the ThenDefineNewConcepts slot of H6 has been applied to (528 H5 
Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenPrintToUser) (CreditTo H5-1 H1-1)))

Specialized the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5, replacing its old value (which was (
LAMBDA (task) (CPRIN1 13 CRLF CurUnit 
 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots:  SlotsToChange 
CRLF CRLF) T)) by (LAMBDA (task) (CPRIN1 13 CRLF CurUnit 
 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots:  SlotsToChange 

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H6 has been applied to (528 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenPrintToUser) (CreditTo H5-1 H1-1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

	The IfFinishedWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H4(Plan to gather empirical data
 about new concepts) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H4 has been applied to (528 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenPrintToUser) (CreditTo H5-1 H1-1)))

1 new units , namely (H5-28), 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H4 has been applied to (528 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenPrintToUser) (CreditTo H5-1 H1-1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

 The results of this task were: ((NewUnits H5-28) (NewTasks (1 new units must 
have instances found)))

Task 71:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Possible (528) that finding 
Specializations of H5 will be worthwhile, since: (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
	The IfWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H6(Specialize a given slot of a given 
unit) applies to the current task. 

Inside the ThenAddToAgenda slot, H5 -> H5-12
		the ThenCompute slot of H6 has been applied to (528 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenAddToAgenda) (CreditTo H5-1 H1-1)))
		the ThenDefineNewConcepts slot of H6 has been applied to (528 H5 
Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenAddToAgenda) (CreditTo H5-1 H1-1)))

Specialized the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5, replacing its old value (which was (
(S) (LIST (Average CurPri (AverageWorths S (QUOTE H5))) CurUnit CurSlot (CONS (
SETQ NewReason (CONCAT A new unit will be created by specializing the  S 
 slot of  CurUnit ; that slot was chosen randomly.)) CurReasons) (LIST (LIST (
QUOTE SlotToChange) S) (CONS (QUOTE CreditTo) (CONS (QUOTE H5) CreditTo))))))) T
) Agenda T)) (SETQ TaskResults (AddPropL TaskResults (QUOTE NewTasks) (LIST (
LENGTH SlotsToChange) (QUOTE specific) (QUOTE slots) (QUOTE of) CurUnit (QUOTE 
to) (QUOTE find) CurSlot (QUOTE of)))))) by (LAMBDA (task) (SETQ Agenda (MERGE (
SORT (MAPCAR SlotsToChange (FUNCTION (LAMBDA (S) (LIST (Average CurPri (
AverageWorths S (QUOTE H5-12))) CurUnit CurSlot (CONS (SETQ NewReason (CONCAT 
A new unit will be created by specializing the  S  slot of  CurUnit 
; that slot was chosen randomly.)) CurReasons) (LIST (LIST (QUOTE SlotToChange) 
S) (CONS (QUOTE CreditTo) (CONS (QUOTE H5) CreditTo))))))) T) Agenda T)) NIL).

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H6 has been applied to (528 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenAddToAgenda) (CreditTo H5-1 H1-1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

	The IfFinishedWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H4(Plan to gather empirical data
 about new concepts) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H4 has been applied to (528 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenAddToAgenda) (CreditTo H5-1 H1-1)))

1 new units , namely (H5-29), 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H4 has been applied to (528 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenAddToAgenda) (CreditTo H5-1 H1-1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

 The results of this task were: ((NewUnits H5-29) (NewTasks (1 new units must 
have instances found)))

Task 72:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (603) that finding 
Specializations of H5 will be worthwhile, since: (
A new unit will be created by specializing the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
	The IfWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H6(Specialize a given slot of a given 
unit) applies to the current task. 

Hmmm... couldn't seem to find any meaningful specialization of the 
IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H5
		the ThenCompute slot of H6 was applied to (603 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange IfPotentiallyRelevant) (CreditTo H5-1 H1-1)))
 but for some reason it signalled a failure
, so the remaining ThenParts of the rule weren't applied.
 The results of this task were: NIL

Task 73:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (603) that finding 
Specializations of H5 will be worthwhile, since: (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Worth slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
	The IfWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H6(Specialize a given slot of a given 
unit) applies to the current task. 

Inside the Worth slot, 700 -> 528
		the ThenCompute slot of H6 has been applied to (603 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Worth slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Worth) (CreditTo H5-1 H1-1)))

collecting string characters
21, 533 free cells
		the ThenDefineNewConcepts slot of H6 has been applied to (603 H5 
Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Worth slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Worth) (CreditTo H5-1 H1-1)))

Specialized the Worth slot of H5, replacing its old value (which was 700) by 528

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H6 has been applied to (603 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Worth slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Worth) (CreditTo H5-1 H1-1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

	The IfFinishedWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H4(Plan to gather empirical data
 about new concepts) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H4 has been applied to (603 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Worth slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Worth) (CreditTo H5-1 H1-1)))

1 new units , namely (H5-30), 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H4 has been applied to (603 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Worth slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Worth) (CreditTo H5-1 H1-1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

 The results of this task were: ((NewUnits H5-30) (NewTasks (1 new units must 
have instances found)))

Task 74:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (603) that finding 
Specializations of H5 will be worthwhile, since: (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Applics slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
	The IfWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H6(Specialize a given slot of a given 
unit) applies to the current task. 

Inside the Applics slot, 
		the ThenCompute slot of H6 has been applied to (603 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Applics slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Applics) (CreditTo H5-1 H1-1)))
		the ThenDefineNewConcepts slot of H6 has been applied to (603 H5 
Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Applics slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Applics) (CreditTo H5-1 H1-1)))

Specialized the Applics slot of H5, replacing its old value (which was ((sit1 (
win1 los1)) ((TaskNum: 17 (650 H1 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenPrintToUser) (CreditTo H5 H1))) 26-Feb-81 15:30:55)
 (H1-1) 2) ((TaskNum: 19 (650 H1 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenAddToAgenda) (CreditTo H5 H1))) 26-Feb-81 15:31:23)
 (H1-2) 2) ((TaskNum: 25 (725 H1 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange IfPotentiallyRelevant) (CreditTo H5 H1))) 
26-Feb-81 15:32:41) (H1-4) 2) ((TaskNum: 27 (725 H1 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the IfTrulyRelevant slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange IfTrulyRelevant) (CreditTo H5 H1))) 26-Feb-81 15:33:15)
 (H1-5) 2) ((TaskNum: 29 (725 H1 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Applics slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Applics) (CreditTo H5 H1))) 26-Feb-81 15:33:39) (H1-6) 
2) ((TaskNum: 43 (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Abbrev slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Abbrev) (CreditTo H5 H1-3))) 26-Feb-81 15:41:53) (H5-6)
 2) ((TaskNum: 44 (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenPrintToUser) (CreditTo H5 H1-3))) 
26-Feb-81 15:42:15) (H5-7) 2) ((TaskNum: 45 (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenCompute slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenCompute) (CreditTo H5 H1-3))) 26-Feb-81 15:42:44) (
H5-8) 2) ((TaskNum: 52 (650 H5 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Abbrev slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Abbrev) (CreditTo H5 H1))) 26-Feb-81 15:45:46) (H5-12) 
2) ((TaskNum: 53 (650 H5 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenPrintToUser) (CreditTo H5 H1))) 26-Feb-81 15:46:09)
 (H5-13) 2) ((TaskNum: 54 (650 H5 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenAddToAgenda) (CreditTo H5 H1))) 26-Feb-81 15:46:34)
 (H5-14) 2) ((TaskNum: 55 (650 H5 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Specializations) (CreditTo H5 H1))) 26-Feb-81 15:47:17)
 (H5-15) 2))) by ((sit1 (win1 los1)) ((TaskNum: 17 (650 H1 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenPrintToUser) (CreditTo H5 H1))) 26-Feb-81 15:30:55)
 (H1-1) 2) ((TaskNum: 25 (725 H1 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange IfPotentiallyRelevant) (CreditTo H5 H1))) 
26-Feb-81 15:32:41) (H1-4) 2) ((TaskNum: 27 (725 H1 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the IfTrulyRelevant slot of H1; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange IfTrulyRelevant) (CreditTo H5 H1))) 26-Feb-81 15:33:15)
 (H1-5) 2) ((TaskNum: 54 (650 H5 SubSlots (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenAddToAgenda) (CreditTo H5 H1))) 26-Feb-81 15:46:34)
 (H5-14) 2)).

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H6 has been applied to (603 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Applics slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Applics) (CreditTo H5-1 H1-1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

	The IfFinishedWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H4(Plan to gather empirical data
 about new concepts) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H4 has been applied to (603 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Applics slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Applics) (CreditTo H5-1 H1-1)))

1 new units , namely (H5-31), 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H4 has been applied to (603 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Applics slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Applics) (CreditTo H5-1 H1-1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

 The results of this task were: ((NewUnits H5-31) (NewTasks (1 new units must 
have instances found)))

Task 75:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (603) that finding 
Specializations of H5 will be worthwhile, since: (
A new unit will be created by specializing the IfAboutToWorkOnTask slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
	The IfWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H6(Specialize a given slot of a given 
unit) applies to the current task. 

Inside the IfAboutToWorkOnTask slot, Specializations -> SubSlots
		the ThenCompute slot of H6 has been applied to (603 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the IfAboutToWorkOnTask slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange IfAboutToWorkOnTask) (CreditTo H5-1 H1-1)))
		the ThenDefineNewConcepts slot of H6 has been applied to (603 H5 
Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the IfAboutToWorkOnTask slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange IfAboutToWorkOnTask) (CreditTo H5-1 H1-1)))

Specialized the IfAboutToWorkOnTask slot of H5, replacing its old value 
(which was (LAMBDA (task) (AND (IsAKindOf CurSlot (QUOTE Specializations)) (NULL
 (ASSOC (QUOTE SlotToChange) CurSup))))) by (LAMBDA (task) (AND (IsAKindOf 
CurSlot (QUOTE SubSlots)) (NULL (ASSOC (QUOTE SlotToChange) CurSup)))).

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H6 has been applied to (603 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the IfAboutToWorkOnTask slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange IfAboutToWorkOnTask) (CreditTo H5-1 H1-1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

	The IfFinishedWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H4(Plan to gather empirical data
 about new concepts) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H4 has been applied to (603 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the IfAboutToWorkOnTask slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange IfAboutToWorkOnTask) (CreditTo H5-1 H1-1)))

1 new units , namely (H5-32), 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H4 has been applied to (603 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the IfAboutToWorkOnTask slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange IfAboutToWorkOnTask) (CreditTo H5-1 H1-1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

 The results of this task were: ((NewUnits H5-32) (NewTasks (1 new units must 
have instances found)))

Task 76:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (614) that finding 
Applics of H5-30 will be worthwhile, since: (
After a unit is synthesized, it is useful to seek instances of it.))
 The results of this task were: NIL

Task 77:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (650) that finding 
Specializations of H5 will be worthwhile, since: (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
	The IfWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H6(Specialize a given slot of a given 
unit) applies to the current task. 

Inside the ThenAddToAgenda slot, H5 -> H5-31
		the ThenCompute slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenAddToAgenda) (CreditTo H5 H1-1)))
		the ThenDefineNewConcepts slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 
Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenAddToAgenda) (CreditTo H5 H1-1)))

Specialized the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5, replacing its old value (which was (
(S) (LIST (Average CurPri (AverageWorths S (QUOTE H5))) CurUnit CurSlot (CONS (
SETQ NewReason (CONCAT A new unit will be created by specializing the  S 
 slot of  CurUnit ; that slot was chosen randomly.)) CurReasons) (LIST (LIST (
QUOTE SlotToChange) S) (CONS (QUOTE CreditTo) (CONS (QUOTE H5) CreditTo))))))) T
) Agenda T)) (SETQ TaskResults (AddPropL TaskResults (QUOTE NewTasks) (LIST (
LENGTH SlotsToChange) (QUOTE specific) (QUOTE slots) (QUOTE of) CurUnit (QUOTE 
to) (QUOTE find) CurSlot (QUOTE of)))))) by (LAMBDA (task) (SETQ Agenda (MERGE (
SORT (MAPCAR SlotsToChange (FUNCTION (LAMBDA (S) (LIST (Average CurPri (
AverageWorths S (QUOTE H5-31))) CurUnit CurSlot (CONS (SETQ NewReason (CONCAT 
A new unit will be created by specializing the  S  slot of  CurUnit 
; that slot was chosen randomly.)) CurReasons) (LIST (LIST (QUOTE SlotToChange) 
S) (CONS (QUOTE CreditTo) (CONS (QUOTE H5) CreditTo))))))) T) Agenda T)) NIL).

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenAddToAgenda) (CreditTo H5 H1-1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

	The IfFinishedWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H4(Plan to gather empirical data
 about new concepts) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H4 has been applied to (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenAddToAgenda) (CreditTo H5 H1-1)))

1 new units , namely (H5-33), 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H4 has been applied to (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenAddToAgenda) (CreditTo H5 H1-1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

 The results of this task were: ((NewUnits H5-33) (NewTasks (1 new units must 
have instances found)))

Task 78:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (650) that finding 
Specializations of H5 will be worthwhile, since: (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenCompute slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
	The IfWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H6(Specialize a given slot of a given 
unit) applies to the current task. 

Inside the ThenCompute slot, 
		the ThenCompute slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenCompute slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenCompute) (CreditTo H5 H1-1)))
		the ThenDefineNewConcepts slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 
Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenCompute slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenCompute) (CreditTo H5 H1-1)))

Specialized the ThenCompute slot of H5, replacing its old value (which was (
LAMBDA (task) (SETQ SlotsToChange (SUBSET (SlotNames CurUnit) (QUOTE RandomP))) 
(SETQ CreditTo (CDR (ASSOC (QUOTE CreditTo) CurSup))) T)) by (LAMBDA (task) NIL 

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenCompute slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenCompute) (CreditTo H5 H1-1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

	The IfFinishedWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H4(Plan to gather empirical data
 about new concepts) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H4 has been applied to (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenCompute slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenCompute) (CreditTo H5 H1-1)))

1 new units , namely (H5-34), 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H4 has been applied to (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenCompute slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenCompute) (CreditTo H5 H1-1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

 The results of this task were: ((NewUnits H5-34) (NewTasks (1 new units must 
have instances found)))

Task 79:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (650) that finding 
Specializations of H5 will be worthwhile, since: (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
	The IfWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H6(Specialize a given slot of a given 
unit) applies to the current task. 

Inside the Specializations slot, H5-34 -> H5-26
		the ThenCompute slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Specializations) (CreditTo H5 H1-1)))
		the ThenDefineNewConcepts slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 
Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Specializations) (CreditTo H5 H1-1)))

Specialized the Specializations slot of H5, replacing its old value (which was (
H5-1 H5-2 H5-3 H5-4 H5-5 H5-6 H5-7 H5-8 H5-9 H5-10 H5-11 H5-12 H5-13 H5-14 H5-15
 H5-16 H5-17 H5-18 H5-19 H5-20 H5-21 H5-22 H5-23 H5-24 H5-25 H5-26 H5-27 H5-28 
H5-29 H5-30 H5-31 H5-32 H5-33 H5-34 H5-35)) by (H5-1 H5-2 H5-3 H5-4 H5-3 H5-6 
H5-4 H5-3 H5-2 H5-10 H5-2 H5-3 H5-10 H5-1 H5-4 H5-10 H5-17 H5-3 H5-9 H5-20 H5-21
 H5-22 H5-23 H5-11 H5-25 H5-4 H5-27 H5-15 H5-29 H5-19 H5-7 H5-19 H5-21 H5-26).

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Specializations) (CreditTo H5 H1-1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

	The IfFinishedWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H4(Plan to gather empirical data
 about new concepts) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H4 has been applied to (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Specializations) (CreditTo H5 H1-1)))

1 new units , namely (H5-35), 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H4 has been applied to (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Specializations) (CreditTo H5 H1-1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

 The results of this task were: ((NewUnits H5-35) (NewTasks (1 new units must 
have instances found)))

Task 80:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (650) that finding 
Specializations of H5 will be worthwhile, since: (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
	The IfWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H6(Specialize a given slot of a given 
unit) applies to the current task. 

Inside the ThenPrintToUser slot, 13 -> 13
		the ThenCompute slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenPrintToUser) (CreditTo H5-2 H1-1)))
		the ThenDefineNewConcepts slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 
Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenPrintToUser) (CreditTo H5-2 H1-1)))

Specialized the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5, replacing its old value (which was (
LAMBDA (task) (CPRIN1 13 CRLF CurUnit 
 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots:  SlotsToChange 
CRLF CRLF) T)) by (LAMBDA (task) (CPRIN1 13 CRLF CurUnit 
 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots:  SlotsToChange 

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenPrintToUser) (CreditTo H5-2 H1-1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

	The IfFinishedWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H4(Plan to gather empirical data
 about new concepts) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H4 has been applied to (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenPrintToUser) (CreditTo H5-2 H1-1)))

1 new units , namely (H5-36), 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H4 has been applied to (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenPrintToUser) (CreditTo H5-2 H1-1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

 The results of this task were: ((NewUnits H5-36) (NewTasks (1 new units must 
have instances found)))

Task 81:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (650) that finding 
Specializations of H5 will be worthwhile, since: (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
	The IfWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H6(Specialize a given slot of a given 
unit) applies to the current task. 

Inside the ThenAddToAgenda slot, H5 -> H5-25
		the ThenCompute slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenAddToAgenda) (CreditTo H5-2 H1-1)))
		the ThenDefineNewConcepts slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 
Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenAddToAgenda) (CreditTo H5-2 H1-1)))

Specialized the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5, replacing its old value (which was (
(S) (LIST (Average CurPri (AverageWorths S (QUOTE H5))) CurUnit CurSlot (CONS (
SETQ NewReason (CONCAT A new unit will be created by specializing the  S 
 slot of  CurUnit ; that slot was chosen randomly.)) CurReasons) (LIST (LIST (
QUOTE SlotToChange) S) (CONS (QUOTE CreditTo) (CONS (QUOTE H5) CreditTo))))))) T
) Agenda T)) (SETQ TaskResults (AddPropL TaskResults (QUOTE NewTasks) (LIST (
LENGTH SlotsToChange) (QUOTE specific) (QUOTE slots) (QUOTE of) CurUnit (QUOTE 
to) (QUOTE find) CurSlot (QUOTE of)))))) by (LAMBDA (task) (SETQ Agenda (MERGE (
SORT (MAPCAR SlotsToChange (FUNCTION (LAMBDA (S) (LIST (Average CurPri (
AverageWorths S (QUOTE H5))) CurUnit CurSlot (CONS (SETQ NewReason (CONCAT 
A new unit will be created by specializing the  S  slot of  CurUnit 
; that slot was chosen randomly.)) CurReasons) (LIST (LIST (QUOTE SlotToChange) 
S) (CONS (QUOTE CreditTo) (CONS (QUOTE H5) CreditTo))))))) T) Agenda T)) NIL).

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenAddToAgenda) (CreditTo H5-2 H1-1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

	The IfFinishedWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H4(Plan to gather empirical data
 about new concepts) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H4 has been applied to (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenAddToAgenda) (CreditTo H5-2 H1-1)))

1 new units , namely (H5-37), 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H4 has been applied to (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenAddToAgenda) (CreditTo H5-2 H1-1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

 The results of this task were: ((NewUnits H5-37) (NewTasks (1 new units must 
have instances found)))

Task 82:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (650) that finding 
Specializations of H5 will be worthwhile, since: (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenCompute slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
	The IfWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H6(Specialize a given slot of a given 
unit) applies to the current task. 

Inside the ThenCompute slot, 
		the ThenCompute slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenCompute slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenCompute) (CreditTo H5-2 H1-1)))
		the ThenDefineNewConcepts slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 
Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenCompute slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenCompute) (CreditTo H5-2 H1-1)))

Specialized the ThenCompute slot of H5, replacing its old value (which was (
LAMBDA (task) (SETQ SlotsToChange (SUBSET (SlotNames CurUnit) (QUOTE RandomP))) 
(SETQ CreditTo (CDR (ASSOC (QUOTE CreditTo) CurSup))) T)) by (LAMBDA (task) NIL 

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenCompute slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenCompute) (CreditTo H5-2 H1-1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

	The IfFinishedWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H4(Plan to gather empirical data
 about new concepts) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H4 has been applied to (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenCompute slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenCompute) (CreditTo H5-2 H1-1)))

1 new units , namely (H5-38), 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H4 has been applied to (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenCompute slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenCompute) (CreditTo H5-2 H1-1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

 The results of this task were: ((NewUnits H5-38) (NewTasks (1 new units must 
have instances found)))

Task 83:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (650) that finding 
Specializations of H5 will be worthwhile, since: (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
	The IfWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H6(Specialize a given slot of a given 
unit) applies to the current task. 

Inside the Specializations slot, H5-38 -> H5-23
		the ThenCompute slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Specializations) (CreditTo H5-2 H1-1)))

collecting lists
4673, 10305 free cells
		the ThenDefineNewConcepts slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 
Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Specializations) (CreditTo H5-2 H1-1)))

Specialized the Specializations slot of H5, replacing its old value (which was (
H5-1 H5-2 H5-3 H5-4 H5-5 H5-6 H5-7 H5-8 H5-9 H5-10 H5-11 H5-12 H5-13 H5-14 H5-15
 H5-16 H5-17 H5-18 H5-19 H5-20 H5-21 H5-22 H5-23 H5-24 H5-25 H5-26 H5-27 H5-28 
H5-29 H5-30 H5-31 H5-32 H5-33 H5-34 H5-35 H5-36 H5-37 H5-38 H5-39)) by (H5-1 
H5-2 H5-2 H5-2 H5-5 H5-6 H5-5 H5-3 H5-7 H5-4 H5-10 H5-12 H5-7 H5-7 H5-8 H5-11 
H5-17 H5-12 H5-8 H5-2 H5-21 H5-22 H5-23 H5-24 H5-25 H5-7 H5-27 H5-17 H5-29 H5-30
 H5-31 H5-17 H5-33 H5-34 H5-35 H5-36 H5-26 H5-23).

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Specializations) (CreditTo H5-2 H1-1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

	The IfFinishedWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H4(Plan to gather empirical data
 about new concepts) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H4 has been applied to (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Specializations) (CreditTo H5-2 H1-1)))

1 new units , namely (H5-39), 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H4 has been applied to (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Specializations) (CreditTo H5-2 H1-1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

 The results of this task were: ((NewUnits H5-39) (NewTasks (1 new units must 
have instances found)))

Task 84:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (650) that finding 
Specializations of H5 will be worthwhile, since: (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
	The IfWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H6(Specialize a given slot of a given 
unit) applies to the current task. 

Inside the ThenPrintToUser slot, 13 -> 10
		the ThenCompute slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenPrintToUser) (CreditTo H5-4 H1-1)))
		the ThenDefineNewConcepts slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 
Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenPrintToUser) (CreditTo H5-4 H1-1)))

Specialized the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5, replacing its old value (which was (
LAMBDA (task) (CPRIN1 13 CRLF CurUnit 
 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots:  SlotsToChange 
CRLF CRLF) T)) by (LAMBDA (task) (CPRIN1 13 CRLF CurUnit 
 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots:  SlotsToChange 

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenPrintToUser) (CreditTo H5-4 H1-1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

	The IfFinishedWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H4(Plan to gather empirical data
 about new concepts) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H4 has been applied to (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenPrintToUser) (CreditTo H5-4 H1-1)))

1 new units , namely (H5-40), 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H4 has been applied to (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenPrintToUser) (CreditTo H5-4 H1-1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

 The results of this task were: ((NewUnits H5-40) (NewTasks (1 new units must 
have instances found)))

Task 85:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (650) that finding 
Specializations of H5 will be worthwhile, since: (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
	The IfWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H6(Specialize a given slot of a given 
unit) applies to the current task. 

Inside the ThenAddToAgenda slot, H5 -> H5-5
		the ThenCompute slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenAddToAgenda) (CreditTo H5-4 H1-1)))
		the ThenDefineNewConcepts slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 
Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenAddToAgenda) (CreditTo H5-4 H1-1)))

Specialized the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5, replacing its old value (which was (
(S) (LIST (Average CurPri (AverageWorths S (QUOTE H5))) CurUnit CurSlot (CONS (
SETQ NewReason (CONCAT A new unit will be created by specializing the  S 
 slot of  CurUnit ; that slot was chosen randomly.)) CurReasons) (LIST (LIST (
QUOTE SlotToChange) S) (CONS (QUOTE CreditTo) (CONS (QUOTE H5) CreditTo))))))) T
) Agenda T)) (SETQ TaskResults (AddPropL TaskResults (QUOTE NewTasks) (LIST (
LENGTH SlotsToChange) (QUOTE specific) (QUOTE slots) (QUOTE of) CurUnit (QUOTE 
to) (QUOTE find) CurSlot (QUOTE of)))))) by (LAMBDA (task) (SETQ Agenda (MERGE (
SORT (MAPCAR SlotsToChange (FUNCTION (LAMBDA (S) (LIST (Average CurPri (
AverageWorths S (QUOTE H5-5))) CurUnit CurSlot (CONS (SETQ NewReason (CONCAT 
A new unit will be created by specializing the  S  slot of  CurUnit 
; that slot was chosen randomly.)) CurReasons) (LIST (LIST (QUOTE SlotToChange) 
S) (CONS (QUOTE CreditTo) (CONS (QUOTE H5-5) CreditTo))))))) T) Agenda T)) NIL).

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenAddToAgenda) (CreditTo H5-4 H1-1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

	The IfFinishedWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H4(Plan to gather empirical data
 about new concepts) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H4 has been applied to (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenAddToAgenda) (CreditTo H5-4 H1-1)))

1 new units , namely (H5-41), 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H4 has been applied to (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenAddToAgenda) (CreditTo H5-4 H1-1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

 The results of this task were: ((NewUnits H5-41) (NewTasks (1 new units must 
have instances found)))

Task 86:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (650) that finding 
Specializations of H5 will be worthwhile, since: (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenCompute slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
	The IfWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H6(Specialize a given slot of a given 
unit) applies to the current task. 

Inside the ThenCompute slot, 
		the ThenCompute slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenCompute slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenCompute) (CreditTo H5-4 H1-1)))
		the ThenDefineNewConcepts slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 
Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenCompute slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenCompute) (CreditTo H5-4 H1-1)))

Specialized the ThenCompute slot of H5, replacing its old value (which was (
LAMBDA (task) (SETQ SlotsToChange (SUBSET (SlotNames CurUnit) (QUOTE RandomP))) 
(SETQ CreditTo (CDR (ASSOC (QUOTE CreditTo) CurSup))) T)) by (LAMBDA (task) NIL 

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenCompute slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenCompute) (CreditTo H5-4 H1-1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

	The IfFinishedWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H4(Plan to gather empirical data
 about new concepts) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H4 has been applied to (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenCompute slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenCompute) (CreditTo H5-4 H1-1)))

1 new units , namely (H5-42), 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H4 has been applied to (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenCompute slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenCompute) (CreditTo H5-4 H1-1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

 The results of this task were: ((NewUnits H5-42) (NewTasks (1 new units must 
have instances found)))

Task 87:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (650) that finding 
Specializations of H5 will be worthwhile, since: (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
	The IfWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H6(Specialize a given slot of a given 
unit) applies to the current task. 

Inside the ThenPrintToUser slot, 13 -> 1
		the ThenCompute slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenPrintToUser) (CreditTo H5-6 H1-1)))
		the ThenDefineNewConcepts slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 
Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenPrintToUser) (CreditTo H5-6 H1-1)))

Specialized the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5, replacing its old value (which was (
LAMBDA (task) (CPRIN1 13 CRLF CurUnit 
 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots:  SlotsToChange 
CRLF CRLF) T)) by (LAMBDA (task) (CPRIN1 13 CRLF CurUnit 
 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots:  SlotsToChange 

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenPrintToUser) (CreditTo H5-6 H1-1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

	The IfFinishedWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H4(Plan to gather empirical data
 about new concepts) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H4 has been applied to (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenPrintToUser) (CreditTo H5-6 H1-1)))

1 new units , namely (H5-43), 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H4 has been applied to (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenPrintToUser) (CreditTo H5-6 H1-1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

 The results of this task were: ((NewUnits H5-43) (NewTasks (1 new units must 
have instances found)))

Task 88:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (650) that finding 
Specializations of H5 will be worthwhile, since: (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenCompute slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
	The IfWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H6(Specialize a given slot of a given 
unit) applies to the current task. 

Inside the ThenCompute slot, 
		the ThenCompute slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenCompute slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenCompute) (CreditTo H5-6 H1-1)))
		the ThenDefineNewConcepts slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 
Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenCompute slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenCompute) (CreditTo H5-6 H1-1)))

Specialized the ThenCompute slot of H5, replacing its old value (which was (
LAMBDA (task) (SETQ SlotsToChange (SUBSET (SlotNames CurUnit) (QUOTE RandomP))) 
(SETQ CreditTo (CDR (ASSOC (QUOTE CreditTo) CurSup))) T)) by (LAMBDA (task) NIL 

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenCompute slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenCompute) (CreditTo H5-6 H1-1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

	The IfFinishedWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H4(Plan to gather empirical data
 about new concepts) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H4 has been applied to (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenCompute slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenCompute) (CreditTo H5-6 H1-1)))

1 new units , namely (H5-44), 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H4 has been applied to (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenCompute slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenCompute) (CreditTo H5-6 H1-1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

 The results of this task were: ((NewUnits H5-44) (NewTasks (1 new units must 
have instances found)))

Task 89:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (650) that finding 
Specializations of H5 will be worthwhile, since: (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
	The IfWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H6(Specialize a given slot of a given 
unit) applies to the current task. 

Inside the Specializations slot, H5-41 -> H5-32
		the ThenCompute slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Specializations) (CreditTo H5-6 H1-1)))
		the ThenDefineNewConcepts slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 
Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Specializations) (CreditTo H5-6 H1-1)))

Specialized the Specializations slot of H5, replacing its old value (which was (
H5-1 H5-2 H5-3 H5-4 H5-5 H5-6 H5-7 H5-8 H5-9 H5-10 H5-11 H5-12 H5-13 H5-14 H5-15
 H5-16 H5-17 H5-18 H5-19 H5-20 H5-21 H5-22 H5-23 H5-24 H5-25 H5-26 H5-27 H5-28 
H5-29 H5-30 H5-31 H5-32 H5-33 H5-34 H5-35 H5-36 H5-37 H5-38 H5-39 H5-40 H5-41 
H5-42 H5-43 H5-44 H5-45)) by (H5-1 H5-1 H5-3 H5-2 H5-5 H5-4 H5-7 H5-1 H5-9 H5-5 
H5-11 H5-12 H5-8 H5-4 H5-2 H5-16 H5-17 H5-12 H5-19 H5-20 H5-21 H5-2 H5-14 H5-3 
H5-2 H5-4 H5-19 H5-10 H5-7 H5-30 H5-31 H5-14 H5-8 H5-31 H5-25 H5-12 H5-27 H5-38 
H5-39 H5-7 H5-32 H5-42 H5-43 H5-44).

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Specializations) (CreditTo H5-6 H1-1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

	The IfFinishedWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H4(Plan to gather empirical data
 about new concepts) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H4 has been applied to (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Specializations) (CreditTo H5-6 H1-1)))

1 new units , namely (H5-45), 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H4 has been applied to (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Specializations) (CreditTo H5-6 H1-1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

 The results of this task were: ((NewUnits H5-45) (NewTasks (1 new units must 
have instances found)))

Task 90:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (650) that finding 
Specializations of H5 will be worthwhile, since: (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Abbrev slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
	The IfWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H6(Specialize a given slot of a given 
unit) applies to the current task. 

Inside the Abbrev slot, Eliminated: Specialize u some
		the ThenCompute slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Abbrev slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Abbrev) (CreditTo H5-9 H1-1)))
		the ThenDefineNewConcepts slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 
Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Abbrev slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Abbrev) (CreditTo H5-9 H1-1)))

Specialized the Abbrev slot of H5, replacing its old value (which was (
Specialize u by specializing some random slots)) by (by specializing random 

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Abbrev slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Abbrev) (CreditTo H5-9 H1-1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

	The IfFinishedWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H4(Plan to gather empirical data
 about new concepts) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H4 has been applied to (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Abbrev slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Abbrev) (CreditTo H5-9 H1-1)))

1 new units , namely (H5-46), 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H4 has been applied to (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Abbrev slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Abbrev) (CreditTo H5-9 H1-1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

 The results of this task were: ((NewUnits H5-46) (NewTasks (1 new units must 
have instances found)))

Task 91:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (650) that finding 
Specializations of H5 will be worthwhile, since: (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
	The IfWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H6(Specialize a given slot of a given 
unit) applies to the current task. 

Inside the ThenAddToAgenda slot, H5 -> H5-24
		the ThenCompute slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenAddToAgenda) (CreditTo H5-9 H1-1)))
		the ThenDefineNewConcepts slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 
Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenAddToAgenda) (CreditTo H5-9 H1-1)))

Specialized the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5, replacing its old value (which was (
(S) (LIST (Average CurPri (AverageWorths S (QUOTE H5))) CurUnit CurSlot (CONS (
SETQ NewReason (CONCAT A new unit will be created by specializing the  S 
 slot of  CurUnit ; that slot was chosen randomly.)) CurReasons) (LIST (LIST (
QUOTE SlotToChange) S) (CONS (QUOTE CreditTo) (CONS (QUOTE H5) CreditTo))))))) T
) Agenda T)) (SETQ TaskResults (AddPropL TaskResults (QUOTE NewTasks) (LIST (
LENGTH SlotsToChange) (QUOTE specific) (QUOTE slots) (QUOTE of) CurUnit (QUOTE 
to) (QUOTE find) CurSlot (QUOTE of)))))) by (LAMBDA (task) (SETQ Agenda (MERGE (
SORT (MAPCAR SlotsToChange (FUNCTION (LAMBDA (S) (LIST (Average CurPri (
AverageWorths S (QUOTE H5-24))) CurUnit CurSlot (CONS (SETQ NewReason (CONCAT 
A new unit will be created by specializing the  S  slot of  CurUnit 
; that slot was chosen randomly.)) CurReasons) (LIST (LIST (QUOTE SlotToChange) 
S) (CONS (QUOTE CreditTo) (CONS (QUOTE H5) CreditTo))))))) T) Agenda T)) NIL).

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenAddToAgenda) (CreditTo H5-9 H1-1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

	The IfFinishedWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H4(Plan to gather empirical data
 about new concepts) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H4 has been applied to (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenAddToAgenda) (CreditTo H5-9 H1-1)))

1 new units , namely (H5-47), 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H4 has been applied to (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenAddToAgenda) (CreditTo H5-9 H1-1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

 The results of this task were: ((NewUnits H5-47) (NewTasks (1 new units must 
have instances found)))

Task 92:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (650) that finding 
Specializations of H5 will be worthwhile, since: (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
	The IfWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H6(Specialize a given slot of a given 
unit) applies to the current task. 

Inside the Specializations slot, H5-47 -> H5-44
		the ThenCompute slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Specializations) (CreditTo H5-9 H1-1)))
		the ThenDefineNewConcepts slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 
Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Specializations) (CreditTo H5-9 H1-1)))

Specialized the Specializations slot of H5, replacing its old value (which was (
H5-1 H5-2 H5-3 H5-4 H5-5 H5-6 H5-7 H5-8 H5-9 H5-10 H5-11 H5-12 H5-13 H5-14 H5-15
 H5-16 H5-17 H5-18 H5-19 H5-20 H5-21 H5-22 H5-23 H5-24 H5-25 H5-26 H5-27 H5-28 
H5-29 H5-30 H5-31 H5-32 H5-33 H5-34 H5-35 H5-36 H5-37 H5-38 H5-39 H5-40 H5-41 
H5-42 H5-43 H5-44 H5-45 H5-46 H5-47 H5-48)) by (H5-1 H5-2 H5-2 H5-4 H5-5 H5-6 
H5-6 H5-8 H5-9 H5-6 H5-4 H5-12 H5-8 H5-9 H5-9 H5-16 H5-6 H5-18 H5-19 H5-14 H5-21
 H5-3 H5-21 H5-8 H5-15 H5-26 H5-7 H5-28 H5-29 H5-4 H5-24 H5-32 H5-33 H5-13 H5-10
 H5-36 H5-37 H5-14 H5-39 H5-22 H5-22 H5-42 H5-22 H5-44 H5-12 H5-22 H5-44).

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Specializations) (CreditTo H5-9 H1-1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

	The IfFinishedWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H4(Plan to gather empirical data
 about new concepts) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H4 has been applied to (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Specializations) (CreditTo H5-9 H1-1)))

1 new units , namely (H5-48), 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H4 has been applied to (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Specializations) (CreditTo H5-9 H1-1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

 The results of this task were: ((NewUnits H5-48) (NewTasks (1 new units must 
have instances found)))

Task 93:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (650) that finding 
Specializations of H5 will be worthwhile, since: (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Abbrev slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
	The IfWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H6(Specialize a given slot of a given 
unit) applies to the current task. 

Inside the Abbrev slot, Eliminated: u by some random
		the ThenCompute slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Abbrev slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Abbrev) (CreditTo H5-3 H1-1)))
		the ThenDefineNewConcepts slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 
Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Abbrev slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Abbrev) (CreditTo H5-3 H1-1)))

Specialized the Abbrev slot of H5, replacing its old value (which was (
Specialize u by specializing some random slots)) by (Specialize specializing 

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Abbrev slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Abbrev) (CreditTo H5-3 H1-1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

	The IfFinishedWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H4(Plan to gather empirical data
 about new concepts) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H4 has been applied to (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Abbrev slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Abbrev) (CreditTo H5-3 H1-1)))

1 new units , namely (H5-49), 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H4 has been applied to (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Abbrev slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Abbrev) (CreditTo H5-3 H1-1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

 The results of this task were: ((NewUnits H5-49) (NewTasks (1 new units must 
have instances found)))

Task 94:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (650) that finding 
Specializations of H5 will be worthwhile, since: (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
	The IfWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H6(Specialize a given slot of a given 
unit) applies to the current task. 

collecting lists
6860, 10444 free cells

Inside the ThenAddToAgenda slot, H5 -> H5-31
		the ThenCompute slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenAddToAgenda) (CreditTo H5-3 H1-1)))
		the ThenDefineNewConcepts slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 
Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenAddToAgenda) (CreditTo H5-3 H1-1)))

Specialized the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5, replacing its old value (which was (
(S) (LIST (Average CurPri (AverageWorths S (QUOTE H5))) CurUnit CurSlot (CONS (
SETQ NewReason (CONCAT A new unit will be created by specializing the  S 
 slot of  CurUnit ; that slot was chosen randomly.)) CurReasons) (LIST (LIST (
QUOTE SlotToChange) S) (CONS (QUOTE CreditTo) (CONS (QUOTE H5) CreditTo))))))) T
) Agenda T)) (SETQ TaskResults (AddPropL TaskResults (QUOTE NewTasks) (LIST (
LENGTH SlotsToChange) (QUOTE specific) (QUOTE slots) (QUOTE of) CurUnit (QUOTE 
to) (QUOTE find) CurSlot (QUOTE of)))))) by (LAMBDA (task) (SETQ Agenda (MERGE (
SORT (MAPCAR SlotsToChange (FUNCTION (LAMBDA (S) (LIST (Average CurPri (
AverageWorths S (QUOTE H5))) CurUnit CurSlot (CONS (SETQ NewReason (CONCAT 
A new unit will be created by specializing the  S  slot of  CurUnit 
; that slot was chosen randomly.)) CurReasons) (LIST (LIST (QUOTE SlotToChange) 
S) (CONS (QUOTE CreditTo) (CONS (QUOTE H5) CreditTo))))))) T) Agenda T)) NIL).

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenAddToAgenda) (CreditTo H5-3 H1-1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

	The IfFinishedWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H4(Plan to gather empirical data
 about new concepts) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H4 has been applied to (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenAddToAgenda) (CreditTo H5-3 H1-1)))

1 new units , namely (H5-50), 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H4 has been applied to (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenAddToAgenda) (CreditTo H5-3 H1-1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

 The results of this task were: ((NewUnits H5-50) (NewTasks (1 new units must 
have instances found)))

Task 95:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (650) that finding 
Specializations of H5 will be worthwhile, since: (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
	The IfWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H6(Specialize a given slot of a given 
unit) applies to the current task. 

Inside the Specializations slot, H5-50 -> H5-26
		the ThenCompute slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Specializations) (CreditTo H5-3 H1-1)))
		the ThenDefineNewConcepts slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 
Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Specializations) (CreditTo H5-3 H1-1)))

Specialized the Specializations slot of H5, replacing its old value (which was (
H5-1 H5-2 H5-3 H5-4 H5-5 H5-6 H5-7 H5-8 H5-9 H5-10 H5-11 H5-12 H5-13 H5-14 H5-15
 H5-16 H5-17 H5-18 H5-19 H5-20 H5-21 H5-22 H5-23 H5-24 H5-25 H5-26 H5-27 H5-28 
H5-29 H5-30 H5-31 H5-32 H5-33 H5-34 H5-35 H5-36 H5-37 H5-38 H5-39 H5-40 H5-41 
H5-42 H5-43 H5-44 H5-45 H5-46 H5-47 H5-48 H5-49 H5-50 H5-51)) by (H5-1 H5-2 H5-3
 H5-4 H5-2 H5-2 H5-7 H5-8 H5-1 H5-10 H5-11 H5-5 H5-1 H5-1 H5-6 H5-8 H5-9 H5-18 
H5-19 H5-20 H5-15 H5-4 H5-13 H5-24 H5-3 H5-25 H5-27 H5-20 H5-22 H5-30 H5-4 H5-32
 H5-33 H5-34 H5-20 H5-2 H5-18 H5-38 H5-39 H5-40 H5-41 H5-9 H5-11 H5-11 H5-30 
H5-46 H5-47 H5-48 H5-32 H5-26).

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Specializations) (CreditTo H5-3 H1-1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

	The IfFinishedWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H4(Plan to gather empirical data
 about new concepts) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H4 has been applied to (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Specializations) (CreditTo H5-3 H1-1)))

1 new units , namely (H5-51), 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H4 has been applied to (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Specializations) (CreditTo H5-3 H1-1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

 The results of this task were: ((NewUnits H5-51) (NewTasks (1 new units must 
have instances found)))

Task 96:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (650) that finding 
Specializations of H5 will be worthwhile, since: (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Abbrev slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
	The IfWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H6(Specialize a given slot of a given 
unit) applies to the current task. 

Inside the Abbrev slot, Eliminated: by specializing some random
		the ThenCompute slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Abbrev slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Abbrev) (CreditTo H5-11 H1-1)))
		the ThenDefineNewConcepts slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 
Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Abbrev slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Abbrev) (CreditTo H5-11 H1-1)))

Specialized the Abbrev slot of H5, replacing its old value (which was (
Specialize u by specializing some random slots)) by (Specialize u slots).

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Abbrev slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Abbrev) (CreditTo H5-11 H1-1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

	The IfFinishedWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H4(Plan to gather empirical data
 about new concepts) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H4 has been applied to (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Abbrev slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Abbrev) (CreditTo H5-11 H1-1)))

1 new units , namely (H5-52), 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H4 has been applied to (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Abbrev slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Abbrev) (CreditTo H5-11 H1-1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

 The results of this task were: ((NewUnits H5-52) (NewTasks (1 new units must 
have instances found)))

Task 97:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (650) that finding 
Specializations of H5 will be worthwhile, since: (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
	The IfWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H6(Specialize a given slot of a given 
unit) applies to the current task. 

Inside the ThenPrintToUser slot, 13 -> 4
		the ThenCompute slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenPrintToUser) (CreditTo H5-11 H1-1)))
		the ThenDefineNewConcepts slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 
Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenPrintToUser) (CreditTo H5-11 H1-1)))

Specialized the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5, replacing its old value (which was (
LAMBDA (task) (CPRIN1 13 CRLF CurUnit 
 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots:  SlotsToChange 
CRLF CRLF) T)) by (LAMBDA (task) (CPRIN1 4 CRLF CurUnit 
 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots:  SlotsToChange 

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H6 has been applied to (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenPrintToUser) (CreditTo H5-11 H1-1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

	The IfFinishedWorkingOnTask slot of heuristic H4(Plan to gather empirical data
 about new concepts) applies to the current task. 
		the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H4 has been applied to (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenPrintToUser) (CreditTo H5-11 H1-1)))

1 new units , namely (H5-53), 
were defined.  New tasks are being added to the agenda to ensure that empirical data about them will soon be gathered. 

		the ThenPrintToUser slot of H4 has been applied to (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenPrintToUser) (CreditTo H5-11 H1-1)))
	The Then Parts of the rule have been executed. 

 The results of this task were: ((NewUnits H5-53) (NewTasks (1 new units must 
have instances found)))

Task 98:  Working on a new promising task:  (It is Probable (650) that finding 
Specializations of H5 will be πworthwhile, since: (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1))interrupted before APPLY

(APPLY broken)

SET(Verbosity 11)
(Verbosity reset)


Task 99: Working on the promising task (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenCompute slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenCompute) (CreditTo H5-11 H1-1)))

Task 100: Working on the promising task (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Specializations) (CreditTo H5-11 H1-1)))

Task 101: Working on the promising task (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenPrintToUser) (CreditTo H5-13 H1-1)))

Task 102: Working on the promising task (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenAddToAgenda) (CreditTo H5-13 H1-1)))

Task 103: Working on the promising task (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Specializations) (CreditTo H5-13 H1-1)))

collecting lists
6959, 10031 free cells

Task 104: Working on the promising task (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Abbrev slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Abbrev) (CreditTo H5 H1-1)))

Task 105: Working on the promising task (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenPrintToUser) (CreditTo H5 H1-1)))

Task 106: Working on the promising task (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenAddToAgenda) (CreditTo H5 H1-1)))

Task 107: Working on the promising task (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Specializations) (CreditTo H5 H1-1)))

Task 108: Working on the promising task (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Abbrev slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Abbrev) (CreditTo H5-15 H1-1)))

Task 109: Working on the promising task (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenCompute slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenCompute) (CreditTo H5-15 H1-1)))

Task 110: Working on the promising task (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenPrintToUser) (CreditTo H5-17 H1-1)))

Task 111: Working on the promising task (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Specializations) (CreditTo H5-17 H1-1)))

collecting lists
6457, 10041 free cells

Task 112: Working on the promising task (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenPrintToUser) (CreditTo H5-5 H1-1)))

Task 113: Working on the promising task (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Specializations) (CreditTo H5-5 H1-1)))

Task 114: Working on the promising task (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenPrintToUser) (CreditTo H5-19 H1-1)))

Task 115: Working on the promising task (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenCompute slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenCompute) (CreditTo H5-19 H1-1)))

Task 116: Working on the promising task (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Specializations) (CreditTo H5-19 H1-1)))

Task 117: Working on the promising task (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Abbrev slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Abbrev) (CreditTo H5-20 H1-1)))

Task 118: Working on the promising task (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenAddToAgenda) (CreditTo H5-20 H1-1)))

collecting lists
7075, 10147 free cells

Task 119: Working on the promising task (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenPrintToUser) (CreditTo H5-22 H1-1)))

Task 120: Working on the promising task (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Specializations) (CreditTo H5-22 H1-1)))

Task 121: Working on the promising task (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Abbrev slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Abbrev) (CreditTo H5-25 H1-1)))

Task 122: Working on the promising task (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Specializations) (CreditTo H5-25 H1-1)))

Task 123: Working on the promising task (700 H5-78 Applics (
After a unit is synthesized, it is useful to seek instances of it.) (CreditTo H4

Task 124: Working on the promising task (700 H5 Specializations (Conjec-1) ((
CreditTo H1)))

collecting string characters
0, 512 free cells

collecting string characters
0, 512 free cells

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (
IfPotentiallyRelevant Applics Abbrev IfAboutToWorkOnTask ThenAddToAgenda 
ThenCompute Specializations)

collecting string characters
0, 512 free cells

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (IsA English 
Worth Applics ThenPrintToUser ThenCompute Specializations)

collecting string characters
0, 512 free cells

collecting string characters
0, 512 free cells

collecting string characters
0, 512 free cells

collecting string characters
0, 512 free cells

collecting string characters
0, 512 free cells, 40 pages left

collecting string characters
0, 512 free cells, 39 pages left

collecting string characters
0, 512 free cells, 38 pages left

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (IsA Worth 

collecting string characters
0, 512 free cells, 37 pages left

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (English 
IfPotentiallyRelevant IfAboutToWorkOnTask ThenAddToAgenda ThenCompute)

collecting string characters
0, 512 free cells, 35 pages left

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (IsA English 
Applics Abbrev IfAboutToWorkOnTask ThenAddToAgenda Specializations)

collecting string characters
0, 512 free cells, 33 pages left

H5 will be specialized by specializing the following of its slots: (
IfPotentiallyRelevant Worth Applics Abbrev IfAboutToWorkOnTask ThenPrintToUser 
ThenCompute Specializations)

collecting string characters
0, 512 free cells, 32 pages left

collecting string characters
0, 512 free cells, 30 pages left

Task 125: Working on the promising task (528 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenPrintToUser) (CreditTo H5-1 H1)))

Task 126: Working on the promising task (603 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the English slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange English) (CreditTo H5-1 H1)))

Task 127: Working on the promising task (603 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the IfPotentiallyRelevant slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange IfPotentiallyRelevant) (CreditTo H5-1 H1)))

Task 128: Working on the promising task (603 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Worth slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Worth) (CreditTo H5-1 H1)))

Task 129: Working on the promising task (440 H5-81 Applics (
After a unit is synthesized, it is useful to seek instances of it.) (CreditTo H4

Task 130: Working on the promising task (607 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenAddToAgenda) (CreditTo H5-30 H1)))

Task 131: Working on the promising task (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenAddToAgenda) (CreditTo H5 H1)))

collecting lists
3323, 10491 free cells, 16 pages left

Task 132: Working on the promising task (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Specializations) (CreditTo H5 H1)))

Task 133: Working on the promising task (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenCompute slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenCompute) (CreditTo H5-2 H1)))

Task 134: Working on the promising task (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Specializations) (CreditTo H5-2 H1)))

Task 135: Working on the promising task (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Abbrev slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Abbrev) (CreditTo H5-4 H1)))

Task 136: Working on the promising task (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenPrintToUser) (CreditTo H5-4 H1)))

Task 137: Working on the promising task (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenAddToAgenda) (CreditTo H5-4 H1)))

Task 138: Working on the promising task (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenCompute slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenCompute) (CreditTo H5-4 H1)))

collecting lists
7568, 10128 free cells, 11 pages left

Task 139: Working on the promising task (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenAddToAgenda) (CreditTo H5-6 H1)))

Task 140: Working on the promising task (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Specializations) (CreditTo H5-6 H1)))

Task 141: Working on the promising task (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Abbrev slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Abbrev) (CreditTo H5-7 H1)))

Task 142: Working on the promising task (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenAddToAgenda) (CreditTo H5-7 H1)))

Task 143: Working on the promising task (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenCompute slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenCompute) (CreditTo H5-7 H1)))

Task 144: Working on the promising task (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Specializations) (CreditTo H5-7 H1)))

collecting lists
8080, 10128 free cells, 7 pages left

Task 145: Working on the promising task (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenAddToAgenda) (CreditTo H5-3 H1)))

Task 146: Working on the promising task (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenCompute slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenCompute) (CreditTo H5-3 H1)))

Task 147: Working on the promising task (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Specializations) (CreditTo H5-3 H1)))

Task 148: Working on the promising task (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenCompute slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenCompute) (CreditTo H5-11 H1)))

Task 149: Working on the promising task (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Specializations) (CreditTo H5-11 H1)))

collecting lists
7842, 10402 free cells, 1 pages left

Task 150: Working on the promising task (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenPrintToUser) (CreditTo H5-12 H1)))

Task 151: Working on the promising task (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenPrintToUser) (CreditTo H5-13 H1)))

Task 152: Working on the promising task (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenCompute slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenCompute) (CreditTo H5-13 H1)))

Task 153: Working on the promising task (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Specializations) (CreditTo H5-13 H1)))

Task 154: Working on the promising task (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Abbrev slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Abbrev) (CreditTo H5 H1)))

Task 155: Working on the promising task (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenPrintToUser) (CreditTo H5 H1)))

collecting lists
7257, 7769 free cells, 0 pages left

Task 156: Working on the promising task (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Specializations) (CreditTo H5 H1)))

Task 157: Working on the promising task (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenPrintToUser) (CreditTo H5-15 H1)))

Task 158: Working on the promising task (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenCompute slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenCompute) (CreditTo H5-15 H1)))

Task 159: Working on the promising task (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenPrintToUser) (CreditTo H5-17 H1)))

collecting lists
5445, 5445 free cells, 0 pages left

Task 160: Working on the promising task (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenCompute slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenCompute) (CreditTo H5-17 H1)))

Task 161: Working on the promising task (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Abbrev slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Abbrev) (CreditTo H5-5 H1)))

Task 162: Working on the promising task (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenPrintToUser) (CreditTo H5-5 H1)))

Task 163: Working on the promising task (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Specializations slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Specializations) (CreditTo H5-5 H1)))

collecting lists
4195, 4195 free cells, 0 pages left

Task 164: Working on the promising task (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the Abbrev slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange Abbrev) (CreditTo H5-19 H1)))

Task 165: Working on the promising task (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenPrintToUser) (CreditTo H5-19 H1)))

collecting lists
2752, 2752 free cells, 0 pages left

Task 166: Working on the promising task (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenAddToAgenda slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenAddToAgenda) (CreditTo H5-19 H1)))

Task 167: Working on the promising task (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenCompute slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenCompute) (CreditTo H5-19 H1)))

collecting lists
1731, 1731 free cells, 0 pages left

Task 168: Working on the promising task (650 H5 Specializations (
A new unit will be created by specializing the ThenPrintToUser slot of H5; that slot was chosen randomly.
Conjec-1) ((SlotToChange ThenPrintToUser) (CreditTo H5-20 H1)))

collecting string characters
22, 22 free cells, 0 pages left


(DATE broken)